














2006 – 2010西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,学士学位

2010 – 2015yl23455永利官网,yl23455永利官网,博士学位,(博士导师:崔铁军教授)

2016 – 2021伦敦大学学院(QS世界大学排名前10),电子工程系,副研究员

2022 – 至今: yl23455永利官网,yl23455永利官网,yl23455永利官网青年首席教授


游检卫,yl23455永利官网教授,博士生导师,yl23455永利官网青年首席教授,国家级高层次青年人才,毫米波全国重点实验室“智能电磁协同赋能技术(AIEM)”团队负责人。长期从事 “计算电磁学”和“电磁超材料”的软硬件开发,相关研究成果已发表100余篇学术论文、专著/章节5部,包括第一作者/通信作者发表Science子刊、Nature子刊、Adv. Funct. Mater.、IEEE Trans. 旗舰期刊等。拥有自主知识产权的软硬件平台已服务于我国诸多重点单位,获中国高等学校十大科技进展、中央高校优秀青年团队、江苏省科学技术一等奖等。主持和参与欧盟地平线计划欧洲研究理事会(ERC)重大项目、英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC)项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家基础科学中心项目、国家重点研发计划项目、江苏省自然科学基金项目、南京市留学人员科技创新择优资助项目等。


计算电磁学:智能计算电磁学(AI for EM Science)、电磁器件智能设计、电磁多物理数智孪生技术、量子电磁计算等;

电磁超材料:智能电磁超材料(EM Science for AI)、拓扑电磁超材料、天线超材料一体化、量子启发式电磁超材料等;




2021电气与电子工程师协会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member








[1]      Jian Wei You, Ma, Q., Lan, Z., Xiao, Q., Panoiu, N.C. and Tie Jun Cui*, Reprogrammable plasmonic topological insulators with   ultrafast control. Nature Communications, 12(1), pp.1-7,   2021.

[2]      Jian Wei You, Lan, Z. and Panoiu, N.C., Four-wave mixing of topological edge   plasmons in graphene metasurfaces. Science Advances, 6(13),   p.eaaz3910, 2020. 

[3]      Shi Long Qin, Jian   Wei You*, Long Chen, Jian Lin Su, Qian Ma,   and Tie Jun Cui*.Phase-Transition Photonic   Brick for Reconfigurable Topological Pathways. Advanced Functional   Materials. 2024, 2408727.

[4]      Qian Ma, Ze Gu, Xinxin   Gao, Long Chen, Shi Long Qin, Qian Wen Wu, Qiang Xiao, Jian Wei You*,   and Tie Jun Cui*.Intelligent Hand-Gesture   Recognition Based on Programmable Topological Metasurfaces. Advanced   Functional Materials,2024, 2411667.

[5]      Jian Wei You, Lan Z, Ma Q, Gao Z, Yang Y, Gao F, Xiao M, Tie Jun Cui*. Topological metasurface: From passive toward active and   beyond. Photonics Research., 2023 Feb; 11(3):   B65-102.

[6]      Jian Lin Su, Jian   Wei You*, Long Chen, Xin Yi Yu, Qing Chun Yin, Guo Hang Yuan, Si   Qi Huang, Qian Ma, Jia Nan Zhang and Tie Jun Cui*. MetaPhyNet: intelligent   design of large-scale metasurfaces based on physics-driven neural network. Journal   of Physics: Photonics, 6 (2024) 035010.

[7]      Zhang J, Jian Wei You*,   Feng F, Na W, Lou ZC, Zhang QJ, Cui TJ.   Physics-Driven Machine-Learning   Approach Incorporating Temporal   Coupled Mode Theory for Intelligent Design of   Metasurfaces. IEEE   Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 71(7),   pp.2875-2887, 2023.

[8]      Xinyu Li, Jian   Wei You*, Ze Gu, Qian Ma, Jingyuan Zhang, Long Chen, and Tie Jun   Cui*.Multiperson Detection and   Vital-Sign Sensing Empowered by Space-Time-Coding RISs.IEEE Internet of Things   Journal,11(17)   pp.28169-28183(2024).

[9]      Xinyu Li, Qian Ma,   Jingyuan Zhang, Zixuan Cai, Xiong Wei Wu, Qiaocong Peng, Jian Wei   You* and Tie Jun Cui*. Dynamic Electromagnetic Model to Detect   Human Vital Signs Based on Time-Domain Finite Integration Theorem. IEEE   Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology,   2024, pp.1-11.

[10]   Xinyu Li, Jian   Wei You*, Ze Gu, Qian Ma, Long Chen, Jingyuan Zhang, Shi Jin, and   Tie Jun Cui*.Passive Human Sensing   Enhanced by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Opportunities and Challenges.IEEE Communications   Magazine   2024, pp.1-7.


[1]        Qian Ma, Long Chen, Shi Long Qin, Xinxin Gao, Yi Zhang,   Shuo Liu,* Jian Wei You*, and Tie Jun Cui*.   Observing Deformation-Induced Backscattering in Flexible Valley-Hall   Topological Metasurfaces. Advanced Optical Materials. 2024 Nov,   2402078.

[2]        Xiuyu Wang, Xiaoman Wang, Qun Ren,* Jianwei You*,   Kaiwen Zou, Boxiang Yang, Zhihao Lan, Liu He, Wei E. I. Sha, and Jianquan   Yao*.Realization of Secure   Robotic Brain Via Programmable Metasurface with Robust High-Order BIC, Advanced   Optical Materials, 2024,12, 2401611.

[3]        Shi Long Qin, Jian Wei You*,   Long Chen, Jian Lin Su, Qian Ma, and Tie Jun Cui*.Phase-Transition Photonic Brick for   Reconfigurable Topological Pathways. Advanced Functional Materials.   2024, 2408727.

[4]        Xinyu Li, Jian Wei You*, Ze Gu, Qian   Ma, Jingyuan Zhang, Long Chen, and Tie Jun Cui*.Multiperson Detection and Vital-Sign   Sensing Empowered by Space-Time-Coding RISs.IEEE Internet of Things Journal,11(17) pp.28169-28183(2024).

[5]        Qian Ma, Ze Gu, Xinxin Gao, Long Chen, Shi Long Qin, Qian   Wen Wu, Qiang Xiao, Jian Wei You*,   and Tie Jun Cui*.Intelligent Hand-Gesture   Recognition Based on Programmable Topological Metasurfaces. Advanced   Functional Materials,2024, 2411667.

[6]        Xinxin Gao, Ze Gu, Qian Ma, Bao Jie Chen, Kam-Man Shum, Wen   Yi Cui, Jian Wei You, Tie Jun Cui and Chi Hou Chan.Terahertz   spoof plasmonic neural network for diffractive information recognition and   processing. Nature Communications, 2024,15:6686.

[7]        Ze Gu, Qian Ma, Xinxin Gao,   Jian Wei You, Tie Jun Cui.Direct electromagnetic information   processing with planar diffractive neural network.Science Advances,10, eado3937 (2024).

[8]        Ji Tong Wang, Jian Wei You and Nicolae   C. Panoiu. Giant second-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2 boosted   by dual bound states in the continuum. Nanophotonics 2024;   13(18): 3437-3448.

[9]        Qiang Xiao, Qian Ma*, Shi Long Qin, Long Chen, Yu Ming Ning   and Jian Wei You*. Multichannel direct communication   based on a programmable topological plasmonic metasurface. Journal of   Applied Physics, 136,013101(2024).

[10]     Jian Lin Su, Jian Wei You*, Long Chen,   Xin Yi Yu, Qing Chun Yin, Guo Hang Yuan, Si Qi Huang, Qian Ma, Jia Nan Zhang*   and Tie Jun Cui*. MetaPhyNet: intelligent design of large-scale metasurfaces   based on physics-driven neural network. Journal of Physics: Photonics,   6 (2024) 035010.

[11]     Jia Nan Zhang, Long Chen, Xiu Mei Lin, Xin Yi Yu, Qian Ma,   Wei-Bing Lu, Jian Wei You* and Tie Jun Cui*.   Feature-Assisted Neuro-CMT Approach to Fast Design Optimization of   Metasurfaces.IEEE Microwave and   Wireless Technology Letters, Vol. 34, No.5, 2024 May.

[12]   Xiao Q, Ma Q, Ning YM, Chen L, Liu S, Zhang   J, Jian Wei You* and Tie Jun Cui*. Programmable topological metasurface to   modulate spatial and surface waves in real time. Nanophotonics. 2024 Jan;   8(1): 1-9.

[13]   Ma, Q., Gao, X., Gu, Z., Liu, C., Li, L., You, J.W. and Cui, T.J.   Intelligent neuromorphic computing based on nanophotonics and metamaterials. MRS   Communications, 2024, pp.1-20.

[14]   Xinyu Li, Jian   Wei You*, Ze Gu, Qian Ma, Long Chen, Jingyuan Zhang, Shi Jin, and   Tie Jun Cui*.Passive Human Sensing   Enhanced by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Opportunities and Challenges.IEEE Communications   Magazine   2024, pp.1-7.

[15]   Xinyu Li, Qian Ma,   Jingyuan Zhang, Zixuan Cai, Xiong Wei Wu, Qiaocong Peng, Jian Wei   You* and Tie Jun Cui*. Dynamic Electromagnetic Model to Detect   Human Vital Signs Based on Time-Domain Finite Integration Theorem. IEEE   Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology,   2024, pp.1-11.

[16]   Liu X, Hou J, Cong X, Shen   H, Lou Z, Deng LJ, You J.W.*. Rethinking Pan-sharpening via Spectral-band   Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023 Dec   7; 62.

[17]   Gu Z, Ma Q, Gao X, You J.W.,   Cui TJ. Classification of Metal Handwritten Digits Based on Microwave   Diffractive Deep Neural Network. Advanced Optical Materials. 2023   Oct; 12(2):2301938.

[18]     Chen, L.,   You J.W.*, Gu, Z., Ma, Q. and Cui, T.J.*, Analog Quantum Bit   Based on Pancharatnam‐Berry Phase Metasurfaces. Advanced Quantum Technologies,   2023 Oct; 6(12):2300135.

[19]   You J.W., Ma Q, Zhang L, Liu C, Zhang J, Liu S, Cui   T. Electromagnetic Metamaterials: From Classical to Quantum. Electromagnetic  Science.   2023 Mar;1(1):1-33.

[20]    Chen L, Lan Z, Wu XW, Ma Q, You   J.W.*, Cui TJ*. Analog   Quantum Valley–Hall and Quantum Spin Hall Plasmons in Graphene   Metasurfaces with Low Point Group Symmetry. Advanced Physics   Research. 2023:2200076.

[21]    You J.W., Lan Z, Ma Q, Gao Z,   Yang Y, Gao F, Xiao M, Cui TJ*. Topological metasurface: From passive toward   active and beyond. Photonics Research., 2023 Feb;   11(3): B65-102.

[22]    Zhang J, You J.W.*, Feng   F, Na W, Lou ZC, Zhang QJ, Cui TJ*. Physics-Driven Machine-Learning Approach   Incorporating Temporal Coupled Mode Theory for Intelligent Design of   Metasurfaces. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.   2023 Jan;71(7):2875 - 2887.

[23]   Lan Z, Chen ML, You J.W.*,   Wei EI. Large-area quantum-spin-Hall waveguide states in   a three-layer topological photonic crystal heterostructure. Physical   Review A. 2023 Apr 12;107(4):   L041501.

[24]   Yupei Wang, Jian Wei You,   and Nicolae C. Panoiu.All-optical control of topological valley   transport in graphene metasurfaces.Optics   Express Vol.31, No.6, pp.   10401-10410 (2023).

[25]   Lou Z, Wu X, Hou J, Zhang J, You J.W.*, Cui T. Numerical   Modelling of Dynamic Electromagnetic Problems Based on the Time-Domain   Finite Integration Technique. Electronics. 2022 Nov   26;11(23):3912.

[26]   Ivan Sekulic, Jian Wei You,   and Nicolae C. Panoiu.T-matrix method for computation of   second-harmonic generation upon optical wave scattering from clusters of   arbitrary particles.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative   Transfer, 2021   Mar,268(8):107643.

[27]   Guoda Xie, Zhixiang Huang, JianWei   You, Zhihao Lan, Nicolae C. Panoiu and Wei E. I. Sha. Universal   Vector-Scalar Potential Framework for Inhomogeneous Electromagnetic System   and Its Application in Semiclassical Quantum Electromagnetics. IEEE   Transactions on Plasma Science, 2021 Nov, Vol.49, No.11.

[28]   You, J.W., Ma, Q., Lan, Z., Xiao, Q., Panoiu, N.C. and Cui, T.J., Reprogrammable   plasmonic topological insulators with ultrafast control. Nature Communications12(1),   pp.1-7, 2021.

[29]    Zhang, Z., You, J.W., Lan, Z. and   Panoiu, N.C., Lattice topological edge and corner modes of photonic crystal   slabs. Journal of Optics23(9), p.095102,   2021. 

[30]   Lan, Z., You, J.W., Ren, Q., Wei, E.I.   and Panoiu, N.C., Second-harmonic generation via double   topological valley-Hall kink modes in all-dielectric photonic   crystals. Physical Review A103(4),   p.L041502, 2021. 

[31]   Li, F., Chen, H., Zhou, Y., You, J. W., Panoiu,   N.C., Zhou, P. and Deng, L., Generation and Focusing of   Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Polarized Reflect array at Microwave   Frequency. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques69(3), pp.1829-1837,2020.

[32]   You, J.W. and Panoiu, N.C., Tunable and dual-broadband giant   enhancement of second-harmonic and third-harmonic generation in an optimized   graphene-insulator-graphene metasurface. Physical Review B102(12), p.121403,   2020. 

[33]    Wang, Y., You,  J.W.,   Lan, Z. and Panoiu, N.C., Topological valley plasmon transport   in bilayer graphene metasurfaces for sensing applications. Optics Letters45(11),   pp.3151-3154, 2020. 

[34]    Lan, Z., You, J.W. and   Panoiu, N.C., Nonlinear one-way edge-mode interactions for frequency   mixing in topological photonic crystals. Physical Review B101(15), p.155422,   2020. 

[35]    You, J.W., Lan, Z., Bao,   Q. and Panoiu, N.C., Valley-Hall topological plasmons in a graphene   nanohole plasmonic crystal waveguide. IEEE Journal of Selected   Topics in Quantum Electronics26(6), pp.1-8, 2020. 

[36]    You, J.W.,   Lan, Z. and Panoiu, N.C., Four-wave mixing   of topological edge plasmons in graphene metasurfaces. Science   advances6(13), p.eaaz 3910, 2020. 

[37]    You, J.W. and   Panoiu, N.C., Plasmon-induced nonlinearity enhancement and   homogenization of graphene metasurfaces. Optics letters44(12), pp.3030-3033, 2019. 

[38]   Qun Ren, J. W. You,   and N. C. Panoiu.Large enhancement of the effective   second-order nonlinearity in graphene metasurfaces.      Physical Review B 99,205404(2019).

[39]   You, J.W. and Panoiu, N.C., Analysis of the interaction   between classical and quantum plasmons via FDTD–TDDFT method. IEEE   Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques4, pp.111-118,2019.

[40]    You, J.W., Bongu, S.R.,   Bao, Q. and Panoiu, N.C., Nonlinear optical properties and applications   of 2D materials: theoretical and experimental aspects. Nanophotonics8(1),   pp.63-97, 2018. 

[41]   Qun Ren, Jian Wei You,   and Nicolae C. Panoiu.Giant enhancement of the effective Raman   susceptibility in metasurfaces made of silicon photonic crystal nanocavities.Optics Express Vol.26, No.23, pp.30383-30392 (2018).

[42]    You, J.W.,   Threlfall, E., Gallagher, D.F. and Panoiu, N.C., Computational   analysis of dispersive and nonlinear 2D materials by using a GS-FDTD   method. JOSA B35(11), pp.2754-2763,   2018. 

[43]   You, J.W. and Panoiu, N.C., Polarization control using   passive and active crossed graphene gratings. Optics express26(2),   pp.1882-1894, 2018. 

[44]   Manrique DZ, You, J.W., Deng H,   Ye F, Panoiu NC. Quantum plasmon engineering with interacting graphene   nanoflakes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017   Dec 14;121(49):27597-602.

[45]   You, J.W., Zhang JF, Gu WH, Cui WZ, Cui TJ. Numerical analysis of   passive intermodulation arisen from nonlinear contacts in HPMW   devices. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.   2017 Oct 24;60(5):1470-80.

[46]    You, J.W., You J, Weismann   M, Panoiu NC. Double-resonant enhancement of third-harmonic generation   in graphene nanostructures. Philosophical Transactions of   the Royal   Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering   Sciences. 2017 Mar 28;375(2090):20160313.

[47]    You, J.W., Zhang JF, Jiang   WX, Ma HF, Cui WZ, Cui TJ. Accurate analysis of finite-volume lumped   elements in metamaterial absorber design. IEEE transactions   on microwave theory and techniques. 2016 Jun 10;64(7):1966-75.

[48]   You, J.W., Cui TJ. Efficient approach to accurately analyze wireless   propagation and fading in time domain. IEEE Antennas and Wireless   Propagation Letters. 2016 Feb 26;15:1767-70.

[49]    You, J.W., Wang HG, Zhang JF, Li   Y, Cui WZ, Cui TJ. Highly efficient and adaptive numerical scheme to analyze   multipactor in waveguide devices. IEEE Transactions on   Electron Devices. 2015 Feb 17;62(4):1327-33.

[50]    You, J.W., Tan SR, Cui TJ. Novel   adaptive steady-state criteria for finite-difference time-domain   method. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.   2014 Nov 13;62(12):2849-58.

[51]    You, J.W., Wang HG, Zhang JF,   Tan SR, Cui TJ. Accurate numerical analysis of nonlinearities caused   by multipactor in microwave devices. IEEE Microwave and   Wireless Components Letters. 2014 Aug 6;24(11):730-2.

[52]   You, J.W., Wang HG, Zhang JF, Tan SR, Cui TJ. Accurate numerical method   for multipactor analysis in microwave devices. IEEE   Transactions on Electron Devices. 2014 Apr 3;61(5):1546-52.

[53]    You, J.W., Tan S, Zhang J,   Cui W, Cui T. A uniform time-domain finite integration technique (TDFIT)   using an efficient extraction of conformal information. IEEE   Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 2014 Jun 17;56(2):63-75.

[54]   You, J.W., Tan SR, Zhou XY, Yu WM, Cui TJ. A new method to analyze   broadband antenna-radome interactions in time-domain. IEEE   transactions on antennas and propagation. 2013 Nov 11;62(1):334-44.

[55]      You, J.W.,   Wang HG, Zhang JF, Cui WZ, Cui TJ. The conformal TDFIT-PIC method using a new   extraction of   conformal information (ECI) technique. IEEE   Transactions on Plasma Science. 2013 Oct 4;41(11):3099-108.


[1]     Jian Wei You,   Zhihao Lan, and Nicolae C. Panoiu, Nonlinear topological     photonics. In: Fundamentals and Applications of Nonlinear   Nanophotonics, Elsevier   Press, Cambridge, United States, 2023.

[2]     Jian Wei You, and   Nicolae C. Panoiu, Nonlinear optical properties of 2D   materials.   In: Encyclopedia of   Nanomaterials, pp.562-599.   Oxford: Elsevier Press, Kidlington, United   Kingdom, 2023.

[3]     Nicolae C. Panoiu, and   Jian   Wei You, Theory and applications of nonlinear optical interactions     in 2D materials. In: Advances in   Nonlinear   Photonics, pp.247-286. Oxford: Elsevier   Press,   Kidlington, United Kingdom, 2023.

[4]     Ming Fang, Qun Ren, Jian     Wei You, Zhihao Lan, Zhixiang Huang, Wei E. I. Sha,   Advanced applications   of nonlinear plasmonics. In: Plasmon-enhanced     Light-matter Interactions, pp.117-135. Springer Nature,   Switzerland, 2022.

[5]     游检卫崔铁军,电磁超材料,第七章,超材料前沿进展:量子超材料,yl23455永利官网出版社,2022. (江苏省十四五重点图书规划项目)




























