“无限未来”学术交流论坛系列活动 | Future Communications R&D Programme in Singapore



Future Communications R&D Programme in Singapore



Tony Q.S. Quek, IEEE Fellow

Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore

Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor

ST Engineering Distinguished Professor

Director, Future Comms R&D Programme

Head of ISTD Pillar

Singapore University of Technology and Design









Communications and connectivity have become the critical foundational technology that supports Singapore’s economy. Singapore has invested close to S$70 million through the launch of Singapore’s first national Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP), to jumpstart cutting-edge communications and connectivity research. This grows local capability, to translate into innovative products, services and companies. The programme is hosted by the Singapore University of Technology and Design. FCP encourages collaboration between industry and research ecosystem. It will provide easy access to testbeds to facilitate development of 5G and future communication technologies. FCP seeks to collaborate with R&D partners both domestically and internationally to explore different opportunities to advance capabilities in future communications.


Tony Q.S. Quek received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, respectively. At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he earned the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, he is the Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and ST Engineering Distinguished Professor. He also serves as the Head of ISTD Pillar, Director for Future Communications R&D Programme, Sector Lead for SUTD AI Program, and the Deputy Director of SUTD-ZJU IDEA. His current research topics include wireless communications and networking, 6G, network intelligence, non-terrestrial networks, and open radio access network.


Dr. Quek has been actively involved in organizing and chairing sessions and has served as a TPC member in numerous international conferences. He is currently serving as an Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He was an Executive Editorial Committee Member of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, and an Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.


Dr. Quek received the 2008 Philip Yeo Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Research, the 2012 IEEE William R. Bennett Prize, the 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, the 2017 CTTC Early Achievement Award, the 2017 IEEE ComSoc AP Outstanding Paper Award, the 2020 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper Award, the 2020 IEEE Stephen O. Rice Prize, the 2020 Nokia Visiting Professorship, and the the 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore.