课程申请开设类型:新开 重开□ 更名□(请在□内打勾,下同)
课程 名称 | 中文 | 毫米波无线通信 | |||||||||||||
英文 | Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications | ||||||||||||||
待分配课程编号 | DB004308 | 课程适用学位级别 | 博士 | √ | 硕士 | ||||||||||
总学时 | 32 | 课内学时 | 32 | 学分 | 2 | 实践环节 | 用机小时 | ||||||||
课程类别 | □公共基础 □ 专业基础 □ 专业必修 专业选修 | ||||||||||||||
开课院(系) | yl23455永利官网 | 开课学期 | 秋季 | ||||||||||||
考核方式 | A. □笔试( □开卷 □闭卷) B. □口试 C. □笔试与口试结合 D.其他专题报告+ 发表文章 | ||||||||||||||
课程负责人 | 教师 姓名 | 王海明 | 职称 | 教授 | |||||||||||
hmwang@seu.edu.cn | 网页地址 | ||||||||||||||
授课语言 | 汉 | 课件地址 | |||||||||||||
适用学科范围 | 电子科学与技术 | 所属一级学科名称 | 电子科学与技术 | ||||||||||||
实验(案例)个数 | 先修课程 | ||||||||||||||
教学用书 | 教材名称 | 教材编者 | 出版社 | 出版年月 | 版次 | ||||||||||
主要教材 | |||||||||||||||
主要参考书 | Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications | Theodore S. Rappaport Robert W. Heath Jr. Robert C. Daniels James N. Murdock | Prentice Hall | 2015 | 1st | ||||||||||
IEEE 802.11ad
IEEE 802.11aj
周次 | 教学内容 | 教学方式 |
1 | 毫米波无线通信概述与无线通信背景 | 上课 |
2 | 毫米波电波传播测量与信道建模 | 上课 |
3 | 应用于毫米波无线通信的天线与阵列 | 上课 |
4 | 毫米波射频与模拟器件与电路 | 上课 |
5 | 超高速数字基带电路 | 上课 |
6 | 毫米波物理层设计与算法 | 上课 |
7 | 毫米波无线通信系统标准化 | 上课 |
8 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
9 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
10 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
11 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
12 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
13 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
14 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
15 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
16 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
17 | 自修与课堂研讨 | |
18 | 复习 |
承担包括国家科技重大专项、国家973计划、国家863计划、国家自然科学基金等20多项科研项目。在IEEE TAP/AWPL/JSAC、IET COM、Wiley IJSCN、IEICE TC/TF等学术期刊以及IEEE ICC/APS等国际学术会议发表主撰/合撰论文50多篇。已申请国内和国际发明专利50多件,已获授权30件。2008年1至3月,曾在瑞典Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)访问讲学。
2012年起,担任国际标准组织IEEE 802.11aj工作组副主席。现任IEEE TAP/TC/TWC/SPL/CL/TIM、IET COM及Nature子刊等国内外学术期刊的特约审稿人,IEEE ICCT 2011、IEEE IWS 2013、IEEE VTC 2016分组主席等国际学术会议的技术委员会成员。
任课 | 学科 | 办公 | 住宅 | 手机 | 电子邮件 | 通讯地址 | 邮政 编码 |
电磁场与微波技术 | hmwang@seu.edu.cn | 南京市江宁区秣周东路9号A3号楼3301室 | 211111 |
Application Form For Opening Graduate Courses
School (Department/Institute):School of Information Science and Engineering
Course Type: New Open Reopen□ Rename □(Please tick in□, the same below)
Course Name | Chinese | 毫米波无线通信 | ||||||||||||
English | Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications | |||||||||||||
Course Number | DB004308 | Type of Degree | Ph. D | √ | Master | |||||||||
Total Credit Hours | 32 | In Class Credit Hours | 32 | Credit | 2 | Practice | Computer-using Hours | |||||||
Course Type | □Public Fundamental□Major Fundamental□Major CompulsoryMajor Elective | |||||||||||||
School (Department) | School of Information Science and Engineering | Term | ||||||||||||
Examination | A.□Paper(□Open-book□ Closed-book) B.□Oral C.□Paper-oral Combination D. Others report and paper | |||||||||||||
Chief Lecturer | Name | Haiming Wang | Professional Title | Professor | ||||||||||
Website | ||||||||||||||
Teaching Language used in Course | Chinese | Teaching Material Website | ||||||||||||
Applicable Range of Discipline | Electronics Science and Technology | Name of First-Class Discipline | Electronics Science and Technology | |||||||||||
Number of Experiment | Preliminary Courses | |||||||||||||
Teaching Books | Textbook Title | Author | Publisher | Year of Publication | Edition Number | |||||||||
Main Textbook | ||||||||||||||
Main Reference Books | Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications | Theodore S. Rappaport Robert W. Heath Jr. Robert C. Daniels James N. Murdock | Prentice Hall | 2015 | 1st | |||||||||
Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements) within 300 words:
The course contents are from the monograph written by famous scholars over the world, the aim is to make students understand the basic theory of millimeter-wave wireless communication systems, know the application of microwave/millimeter wave techniques in wireless system, and the requirement of new wireless system to microwave/millimeter wave techniques. So the students can solve the practical problems in engineering by using what they have studied.
According to the different requirements from various research areas of microwave and millimeter wave systems with applications, the supervisor selects the topics of the course, recommends the reading materials, and designs the schedule for individual student. The course is run as an assembly of teaching, and read, practice and report by student whomself.
The student’s reports to the supervisor and/or the lecturer; and the paper published on any journal or conference are required for honoring the credit.
Teaching Syllabus (including the content of chapters and sections. A sheet can be attached):
Introduction to mmWave Wireless Communications
Emerging Applications of mmWave Wireless Communications
Wireless Communication Background
Complex Baseband Representation
Digital Modulation
Error Control Coding
Estimation and Synchronization
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Communication
Radio Wave Propagation for mmWave
Large-Scale Propagation Channel Effects
Small-Scale Channel Effects
Spatial Characterization of Multipath and Beam Combining
Angle Spread and Multipath Angle of Arrival
Outdoor Channel Models
Indoor Channel Models
Antennas and Arrays for mmWave Applications
Fundamentals of On-Chip and In-Package mmWave Antennas
On-Chip Antennas
In-Package Antennas
Wideband mmWave Antennas and Arrays
Adaptive Antenna Array for mmWave Wireless
mmWave RF and Analog Devices and Circuits
S-Parameters, Z-Parameters, Y-Parameters, and ABCD-Parameters
Transmission Lines and Passives
Sensitivity and Link Budget Analysis for MmWave Radios
Important Metrics for Analog MmWave Devices
Analog MmWave Components
Ultra-High Speed Digital Baseband Circuits
Sampling and Conversion for ADCs and DACs
Basic Analog-to-Digital Conversion Circuitry
Goals and Challenges in ADC Design
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
MmWave Design and Applications
Practical Transceivers
High-Throughput PHYs
PHYs for Low Complexity, High Effciency
Future PHY Considerations
Standardization Activities for mmWave Wireless Communications
Spectrum Regulation for 60 GHz and 45 GHz Bands
IEEE 802.11ad
IEEE 802.11aj
Standardization Progress of 5G mmWave Communications
Teaching Schedule:
Week | Course Contents | Teaching Method |
1 | Introduction | Lecture |
2 | Wireless Communication Background | Lecture |
3 | Radio Wave Propagation for mmWave | Lecture |
4 | Antennas and Arrays for mmWave Applications | Lecture |
5 | mmWave RF and Analog Devices and Circuits | Lecture |
6 | Ultra-High Speed Digital Baseband Circuits | Lecture |
7 | MmWave Design and Applications | Lecture |
8 | Standardization Activities for mmWave Wireless Communications | Lecture |
9 | Self-study and Discussion | |
10 | Self-study and Discussion | |
11 | Self-study and Discussion | |
12 | Self-study and Discussion | |
13 | Self-study and Discussion | |
14 | Self-study and Discussion | |
15 | Self-study and Discussion | |
16 | Self-study and Discussion | |
17 | Self-study and Discussion | |
18 |
Note: 1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in Graduate School.
2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term.
3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English.
4. Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline.
5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc.
6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc.
7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper.
8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced.
9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words)
Brief Introduction of Chief lecturer:
Haiming Wang was born in May 1975. He received the B.Eng., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1999, 2002, and 2009, respectively. Since 2002, he has been with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves and the School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. And he is currently a professor. In 2008, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden.
He now teaches two courses for undergraduates: Computer Organization & Architecture and DSP Implementation Oriented Synthesis Course. He teached Digital System Design for undergraduate and graduate students in BTH, Sweden.
He has authored and co-authored over 50 technical publications in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., IET Commun., and other international academic journals. He has authored and co-authored over more than 50 patents and 21 patents have been granted. He received the first-class Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province of China in 2009. His current research interests include millimeter-wave wireless mobile communications, millimeter-wave radar and imaging, radio propagation measurement and channel modelling, multi-band and wideband antenna and array.
Dr. Wang is currently serves as the vice chair of IEEE 802.11aj Task Group and the reviewer of IEEE TAP/AWPL/JSAC/TWC/TIM/CL/SPL, IET Commun., and other academic journals. He served as the TPC member or the session chair of IEEE ICCT 2011, IEEE IWS 2013, IEEE VTC 2016, and other international conferences.
Lecturer Information (include chief lecturer)
Lecturer | Discipline (major) | Office Phone Number | Home Phone Number | Mobile Phone Number | Address | Postcode | |
Haiming Wang | Electronics Science and Technology | hmwang@seu.edu.cn | 211111 |