




    SCI Q2区期刊Electronics光通信及定位专题编委、《电子与信息学报》客座编辑、“中兴通讯技术杂志社促进产学研合作青年专家委员会”委员。是IEEE JSACCommun. Surveys Tuts.TWCTCOMTVTCLWCL等国际权威期刊审稿人。多次获得IEEE TCOMIEEE CLIEEE WCL模范审稿人。任WCSPICICNICCT等国际会议的可见光通信分会主席,GlobecomICCWCNCVTC等多个重要国际会议的程序委员会成员。

    2023中国通信学会科学技术奖、江苏省通信学会科学技术奖;2023 ESI高被引论文;多次获得中国研电赛一等奖指导教师;全国大学生物联网设计竞赛一等奖指导教师;ICICN 2023最佳海报奖;全国大学生物联网技术与应用三创大赛二等奖指导教师。








[1]      Shi C.; Zhang K.; Zhu B.*; Zhang Z. A Simultaneous Visible Light Positioning and LED Database Construction Scheme [J]. Early Access in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. (SCI Q1)

[2]      Zhang K.; Zhang Z.; Zhu B.* Overlapping Signals Separation for Two Light Sources Based on Mode-Mixed PD Arrays [J]. Early Access in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (SCI Q1)

[3]      Zhang K.; Zhang Z.; Zhu B.*; Chen S.; Dang J.; Wu L.; Wang L. Design and Outage Analysis for VLP-Assisted Indoor Laser Communication Systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 3495-3510, Jun. 2024. (SCI Q1)

[4]      Zhang K.; Zhang Z.; Zhu B.* Beacon LED Coordinates Estimator With Selected AOA Estimators for Visible Light Positioning Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1713-1727, Jul. 2023. (SCI Q1)

[5]      Zhang K.; Z. Zhang; Zhu B.* Joint Beam Allocation for Massive MIMO Basestations With Positioning Information[J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 5019-5032, Oct. 2023. (SCI Q1)

[6]      Zhu B.Zhang C.; Zhang Z.; Dang J.; Wu L. Design and Implementation of Visible Light Positioning Systems Based on Photodiode Array [J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 166-172, Nov. 2023. (SCI Q1)

[7]      Wang S.; Zhang K.; Zhu B.*; Wang W.; Zhang Z. Visible Light Communications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Channel Modeling and Experimental Validation [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1530-1534, Jun. 2023. (SCI Q2)

[8]      Zhang K.; Zhu B.*; Zhang Z. Beacon LED Coordinates Estimator for Easy Deployment of Visible Light Positioning Systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 10208-10223, Dec. 2022. (SCI Q1)

[9]    Zhu B.; Zhang Z.; Dang J.; Wu L.; Wang L. Low-Complexity Visible Light Positioning and Rotation Estimation Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition [J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.40, no. 21, pp. 7072-7083, Nov. 2022. (SCI Q1)

[10]   Zhang X.; Sun Y.; Zhu B. (共同一作); Jiang W.; Yu Q.; Tian H.; Qiu C.; Zhang Z.; Cui T. A metasurface-based light-to-microwave transmitter for hybrid wireless communications [J]. Light-Science & Applications, vol. 11, no.126, pp.1-10, May 2022. (SCI Q1)

[11]   Zhu B.; Zhang Z.; Cheng J. Outage Analysis and Beamwidth Optimization for Positioning-Assisted Beamforming [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 7, pp.1543-1547, Apr. 2022. (SCI Q2)

[12]   Zhang X.; Sun Y.; Zhu B. (共同一作); Jiang W.; Zhang Z.; Cui T. Light-controllable time-domain digital coding metasurfaces [J]. Advanced Photonics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 025001, Apr. 2022. (SCI Q1)

[13]   Zhu B.;Cheng J. Asymptotic Outage Analysis on Dual-Branch Diversity Receptions Over Non-Identically Distributed Correlated Lognormal Channels [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 7126-7138, Oct. 2019. (SCI Q1)

[14]   Zhu B.; Zhang Z. Asymptotic Analysis on Diversity Receptions Over Fading Channels With Correlated Shadowing [J].  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 8275-8278, Aug. 2019. (SCI Q1)

[15]   Xiao Z.; Zhu B.*; Cheng J.; Wang Y. Outage Probability Bounds of EGC Over Dual-Branch Non-Identically Distributed Independent Lognormal Fading Channels With Optimized Parameters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 8232-8237, Aug., 2019. (SCI Q1)

[16]   Zhu B.; Zhu Z.; Wang Y.; Cheng J. Optimal Optical Omnidirectional Angle-of-Arrival Estimator With Complementary Photodiodes [J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 13, pp. 2932-2945, Jul. 2019. (SCI Q1)

[17]   Zhu B. Asymptotic Performance of Composite Lognormal-X Fading Channels [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6570-6585, Dec. 2018. (SCI Q1)

[18]   Zhu B.; Zeng Z.; Cheng J. On the Distribution Function of the Generalized Beckmann Random Variable and Its Applications in Communications [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 2235-2250, May 2018. (SCI Q1)

[19]   Zhu B.; Cheng J.; Yan J.; Wang J.; Wu L.; Wang Y. A New Asymptotic Analysis Technique for Diversity Receptions Over Correlated Lognormal Fading Channels [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 845-861, Feb. 2018. (SCI Q1)

[20]   Zhu B.; Cheng J.; Wang Y.; Yan J.; Wang J. Three-Dimensional VLC Positioning Based on Angle Difference of Arrival With Arbitrary Tilting Angle of Receiver [J]. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no.1, pp. 8~22, Jan. 2018. (SCI Q1)

[21]   Zhu B.; Yan J.; Wang Y.; Wu L.; Cheng J. Asymptotically Tight Performance Bounds of Diversity Receptions Over α-µ Fading Channels With Arbitrary Correlation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 7619-7632, Sept. 2017. (SCI Q1)

[22]   Zhu B.; Cheng J.Cheng H. T.Selea R; Wu L. An asymptotic Study of Hierarchical Diversity Receptions Over Rician Channels With Arbitrary Correlation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no.5, pp. 3299 - 3311, May 2016. (SCI Q1)

[23]   Zhu B.; Cheng J.; Al-Dhahir N.; Wu L. Asymptotic Analysis and Tight Performance Bounds of Diversity Receptions Over Beckmann Fading Channels With Arbitrary Correlation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no.5, pp. 2220 - 2234, May 2016. (SCI Q1)

[24]   Zhu B.; Yang F; Cheng J.; Wu L. Performance Bounds for Diversity Receptions Over Arbitrarily Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels [J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no.1, pp. 669-713, Jan. 2016. (SCI Q1)

[25]   Zhu B.; Cheng J. ; Alouini M. S; Wu L. Relay Placement for FSO Multi-Hop DF Systems With Link Obstacles and Infeasible Regions [J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no.9, pp.5240-5250, Sept. 2015. (SCI Q1)

[26]   Zhu B.;Cheng J.; Wu L. A Distance-Dependent Free-Space Optical Cooperative Communication System [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 969-972, Jun. 2015. (SCI Q2)



[1]      Zhu B.; Zhang K.; Shi C. Handbook of Wireless Positioning: 3D Visible Light Positioning Methods With Photodiodes [M]. Springer. To appear.

[2]      Zhu B.; Huang S. Handbook of Wireless Positioning: Implementation of VLP with Photodiodes [M]. Springer. To appear.