课院(系、所): yl23455永利官网
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课程 名称 | 中文 | 电磁场边值问题数值分析 | ||||||||||
英文 | Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Boundary Value Problems | |||||||||||
待分配课程编号 | MS004305 | 课程适用学位级别 | 博士 | 硕士 | √ | |||||||
总学时 | 48 | 课内学时 | 48 | 学分 | 3 | 实践环节 | √ | 用机小时 | 40 | |||
课程类别 | □公共基础 □ 专业基础 □ 专业必修 □ 专业选修 | |||||||||||
开课院(系) | yl23455永利官网 | 开课学期 | 春季 | |||||||||
考核方式 | A √ .□笔试(□开卷 □闭卷) B. □口试C.□笔试与口试结合 D. □其他 笔试/大作业 | |||||||||||
课程负责人 | 教师 姓名 | 洪 伟 孙连友 李卫东 | 职称 | 教授 副教授 讲师 | ||||||||
weihong@seu.edu.cn lysun@emfield.org wdli@emfield.org | 网页地址 | |||||||||||
授课语言 | 双语 | 课件地址 | ||||||||||
适用学科范围 | 二级 | 所属一级学科名称 | 电子科学与技术 | |||||||||
实验(案例)个数 | 先修课程 | 数值分析、线性代数、电磁场理论 | ||||||||||
教学用书 | 教材名称 | 教材编者 | 出版社 | 出版年月 | 版次 | |||||||
主要教材 | 电磁场边值问题的区域分解算法 | 洪 伟 孙连友 | 科学出版社 | 2005.8 | 1st | |||||||
主要参考书 | 直线法原理及其应用 | 洪 伟 | yl23455永利官网出版社 | 1993 | 1st | |||||||
电磁场有限元方法 | 金建铭 | 西安电子科技大学 | 1998.1 | 1st | ||||||||
计算电磁学的数值方法 | 吕英华 | 清华大学出版社 | 2005 | 1st |
第一章 电磁场理论基础
§1.1 Maxwell方程组
§1.2 边界条件
§1.3 位函数
§1.4 问题描述-导波问题、散射问题、辐射问题
第二章 直线法
§2.1 直线法原理
§2.2 直线法在导波问题和散射问题上的应用
第三章 传输线矩阵法
§3.1 传输线矩阵法原理
§3.2 传输线矩阵法的应用
第四章 模式匹配法
第五章 电磁场微分方程的数值方法-有限差分法
§5.1 静场方程(Laplace方程)的有限差分方法
§5.2 波动方程有限差分法
§5.3 扩散方程的有限差分方法
§6.1 迭代方法描述
§6.2 Jacobi 迭代法;Gauss-Seidel 迭代法;超松驰迭代法(SOR(Successive Over-Relaxation);对称超松驰法(SSOR迭代法)
第七章 时域有限差分法
§7.1 问题描述
§7.2 Yee网格下的差分方程
§7.3 边界条件
§7.4 应用算例
第八章 频域有限差分法
§8.1 问题描述
§8.2 Yee网格下的差分方程
§8.3 边界条件
§8.4 应用算例
第九章 有限元方法
§9.1 二维静场的变分问题描述
§9.2 区域剖分和插值函数(二维问题)
§9.3 Ritz方法和Galerkin方法
§9.4 单元矩阵与整体系数矩阵
§9.5 应用算例
第十章 对称正定矩阵解法-共轭梯度法(Conjugate Gradient Method)
§10.1 问题描述
§10.2 共轭梯度法
§10.3 预条件共轭梯度法
§10.4 复矩阵和对称不定矩阵的共轭梯度法
第十一章 矩量法与电磁场问题的变分原理
§11.1 变分问题描述
§11.2 电磁场问题的变分形式
§11.3 矩量法基本原理
§11.4 基函数和权函数的选取
§11.5 矩量法应用
第十二章 区域分解法
§12.1 概念描述
§12.2 Schwarz交替法
§12.3 D-N交替法
§12.4 Helmoholtz 方程的区域分解法
§12.5 Maxwell 方程的区域分解法
§12.6 应用算例
第十三章 矢量有限元方法
§13.1 问题描述
§13.2 三角剖分单元的基函数
§13.3 单元矩阵计算
§13.4 场的连续性与系数矩阵
§14.1 边界元方法基本原理
§14.2 数值积分和数值解法
§14.3 边界元方法应用
§15.1 譜域法基本原理
§15.2 譜域法应用
§16.1 不变性测试方程法(MEI方法)基本原理
§16.2 MEI系数的确定和测试子
§16.3 MEI方法应用
第十七章 积分方程法
§17.1 Maxwell方程积分形式
§17.2 电磁场边值问题
§17.3 电磁场积分方程
§17.4 应用算例
第十八章 积分方程的重叠型区域分解算法
§18.6 应用算例
第十九章 多层快速多极子的重叠型区域分解算法
§19.1 多层快速多极子和预条件器
§19.2 多层快速多极子的重叠型区域分解算法
§19.3 算法特征、计算复杂度分析
§19.4 基于RWG和底层盒子的重叠型区域分解算法
§19.5 应用算例
第二十章 矩阵插值的快速算法
§20.1 矩阵元素关于频率的表达式
§20.2 几类矩阵插值算法
§20.3 频带内样点优化
§20.4 应用算例
周次 | 教学内容 | 教学方式 |
1 | 电磁场理论基础,Maxwell方程组,边界条件,位函数,问题描述-导波问题、散射问题、辐射问题,传输线矩阵法原理传输线矩阵法的应用,模式匹配法原理,模式匹配法的应用(洪伟主讲) | 授课 |
2 | 电磁场微分方程的数值方法-有限差分法,静场方程(Laplace方程)的有限差分方法,问题描述,差分方程构造。(洪伟主讲) | 授课 |
3 | 波动方程有限差分法,问题描述,显格式的差分方程,隐格式的差分方程。扩散方程的有限差分方法(洪伟主讲) | 授课 |
4 | 时域有限差分法,频域有限差分法,问题描述,Yee网格下的差分方程,边界条件,应用算例。直线法原理(洪伟主讲) | 授课 |
5 | 有限元方法,二维静场的变分问题描述,区域剖分和插值函数(二维问题),Ritz方法和Galerkin方法,单元矩阵与整体系数矩阵,应用算例(孙连友主讲) | 授课 |
6 | 对称正定矩阵解法-共轭梯度法(Conjugate Gradient Method),问题描述,共轭梯度法,预条件共轭梯度法,复矩阵和对称不定矩阵的共轭梯度法(孙连友主讲) | 授课 |
7 | 矩量法与电磁场问题的变分原理,变分问题描述,电磁场问题的变分形式,矩量法基本原理,基函数和权函数的选取,矩量法应用(孙连友主讲) | 授课 |
8 | 区域分解法,概念描述,Schwarz交替法,D-N交替法,Helmoholtz 方程的区域分解法,Maxwell 方程的区域分解法,应用算例(孙连友主讲) | 授课 |
9 | 矢量有限元方法,问题描述,三角剖分单元的基函数,单元矩阵计算,场的连续性与系数矩阵(孙连友主讲) | 授课 |
10 | 积分方程法,Maxwell方程积分形式,电磁场边值问题,电磁场积分方程,应用算例(李卫东主讲) | 授课 |
11 | 积分方程的重叠型区域分解算法(I),区域分解方法背景和历史,积分方程的重叠型区域分解算法,缓冲区的大小和确定,计算复杂度分析(李卫东主讲) | 授课 |
12 | 积分方程的重叠型区域分解算法(II),介质积分方程的重叠型区域分解算法,应用算例,多层快速多极子的重叠型区域分解算法(I), 多层快速多极子和预条件器(李卫东主讲) | 授课 |
13 | 多层快速多极子的重叠型区域分解算法(II),多层快速多极子的重叠型区域分解算法,算法特征、计算复杂度分析,基于RWG和底层盒子的重叠型区域分解算法,应用算例(李卫东主讲) | 授课 |
14 | 矩阵插值的快速算法,矩阵元素关于频率的表达式,几类矩阵插值算法,频带内样点优化,应用算例(李卫东主讲) | 授课 |
主要学术方向:计算电磁学、微波毫米波理论与技术、无线通信中的射频技术。近年来,承担国家自然科学基金项目(国家杰出青年基金项目等)、“863”重大项目、国家科委和教委基金项目等四十多个项目的研究任务。在国内外学术刊物(如IEEE Trans. on MTT、AP、EMC、MWCL、MGWL、IEE Pt.H、Electron. Lett.、Radio Science、AEU、“中国科学”等)和会议上发表论文200多篇,出版专著2部,参写国际国内著作4部。曾获国家自然科学四等奖一项(第三获奖人)、国家教委科技进步一等奖两项(第一、第二获奖人)、二等奖一项(第七获奖人)、江苏省科技进步二等奖、三等奖各一项(第一、第二获奖人)。曾赴美国加州伯克利大学、加州Santa Cruz 大学、纽约州立大学、加州Ultima公司、日本通信综合研究所、香港中文大学等访问研究和讲学。
李卫东:2007年毕业于yl23455永利官网,获工学博士学位。主要研究方向为电磁场与微波技术及计算电磁学。教授过的课程有《工程电磁学与计算电磁学》和《电磁场边值问题数值分析》(都是研究生课程)。本人参与科研项目有国家自然科学基金项目 “区域分解积分方程法研究及其在微波毫米波LTCC无源集成电路中的应用”,与德国电磁仿真软件CST的合作,以及与美国波音公司合作项目“Onboard and off Board Communication”,还有863计划 “紧凑结构MIMO多天线技术及其信道的研究”等等。在国际国内核心刊物发表论文十数篇。
任课 教师 | 学科 (专业) | 办公 电话 | 住宅 电话 | 手机 | 电子邮件 | 通讯地址 | 邮政 编码 |
洪 伟 | 电磁场与微波技术 | weihong@ seu.edu.cn | yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 | 210096 | |||
孙连友 | 电磁场与微波技术 | lysun@emfield.org | yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 | 210096 | |||
李卫东 | 电磁场与微波技术 | wdli@emfield.org | yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 | 210096 |
Application Form For Opening Graduate Courses
chool (Department/Institute):
Course Type: New Open □ Reopen □ Rename □(Please tick in □, the same below)
Course Name | Chinese | 电磁场边值问题数值分析 | |||||||||||
English | N √ umerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Boundary Value Problems | ||||||||||||
Course Number | MS004305 | Type of Degree | Ph. D | Master | |||||||||
Total Credit Hours | 48 | In Class Credit Hours | 48 | Credit | 3 | Practice | C √ omputer-using Hours | 40 | |||||
Course Type | □Public Fundamental □Major Fundamental □Major Compulsory □Major Elective | ||||||||||||
School (Department) | College of Information Science & Engineering | Term | Spring | ||||||||||
Examination | A √ . □Paper(□Open-book □ Closed-book)B. □OralC. □Paper-oral Combination D. □ OthersExam / Projects | ||||||||||||
Chief Lecturer | Name | Hong Wei, Sun Lian-you Li Wei-dong | Professional Title | Professor Associate Professor Lecturer | |||||||||
weihong@seu.edu.cn lysun@emfield.org wdli@emfield.org | Website | ||||||||||||
Teaching Language used in Course | Chinese & English | Teaching Material Website | |||||||||||
Applicable Range of Discipline | Electromagnetics and Microwave | Name of First-Class Discipline | Science and Technology of Electronics | ||||||||||
Number of Experiment | Preliminary Courses | Numerical analysis, Linear algebra, Electromagnetic Field Theory | |||||||||||
Teaching Books | Textbook Title | Author | Publisher | Year of Publication | Edition Number | ||||||||
Main Textbook | Domain Decomposition Methods for Electromagnetic Field Boundary Value Problems | Hong Wei, Sun Lianyou etc. | Science Press | 2005.8 | 1st | ||||||||
Main Reference Books | Principle and Application of the Method of Lines | Hong Wei | Southeast University Press | 1993 | 1st | ||||||||
The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics | Jin Jianming | Xidian University Press | 1997 | 1st | |||||||||
Numerical analysis of computational Electromagnetics | Lv Yinghua | Tsinghua University Press | 2005 | 1st |
Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements) within 300 words:
The goal of the course is to make students learn and master how to use modern numerical analysis methods to solve problems in electromagnetic fields and waves, and have a platform to do researches on electromagnetic fields and waves.
The students is required to learn and master the fundamental theories of numerical methods and their applications in classes, and to learn more detailed and advanced materials and recent developments by reading journal articles and textbooks after classes.
Teaching Syllabus (including the content of chapters and sections. A sheet can be attached):
Chapter 1Fundamental Theory of Electromagnetic Field
Maxwell’s equations, Constitutive relations,Boundary conditions, Potential functions, Propagation characteristics, Scattering problems, Radiation problems.
Chapter 2Method of Lines (MoL)
Fundamental principle, Propagation characteristics of transmission lines, Discontinuity of transmission line, EM Scattering.
Chapter 3 Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method
Fundamental principle, Two-dimensional guided wave and EM scattering problems, Three-dimensional waveguide discontinuity and EM scattering problems.
Chapter 4 Mode Matching Method (MMM)
Fundamental principle, Guided wave problems, EM scattering by frequency selected surface.
Chapter 5 Finite Difference Method (FDM)
Construction of difference equations, Static field problem, Eigen-value problem of Helmholtz equation, Two- dimensional EM scattering.
Chapter 6 Iterative Method for Solving
Description of Iterative Methods,Jacobi Method , Gauss-Seidel Method, Successive Over-Relaxation(SOR) & Symmetrical Successive Over-Relaxation(SSOR)
Chapter 7 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method (FDTD) Method
Construction of difference equations in time domain, Boundary conditions, Exciting source, Solution of finite difference equations, Discontinuity of transmission line, Two-dimensional EM scattering, Three-dimensional EM scattering.
Chapter 8 Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) Method
Construction of difference equations in frequency domain, Boundary conditions, Solution of finite difference equations in frequency domain, Discontinuity of transmission line, Three-dimensional EM scattering, Radiation problem.
Chapter 9 Finite Element Method (FEM)
Fundamental principle, FEM for Laplace’s equation, FEM for Helmholtz’s equation, FEM for Maxwell’s equation.
Chapter 10 Solution of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices Conjugate Gradient Method-- Conjugate Gradient Method
Description of Problems,Conjugate Gradient Method(CG),Precondition Conjugate Gradients(PCG),Conjugate Gradients for Symmetric Complex or Indefinite Matrices
Chapter 11Method of Moments (MoM) and Variational Principle
Description of Variational Problems, Variational Formulation for Electromagnetic Field Problems, Fundamental principle, Basis functions, Testing functions, Wire antennas, Dipole and dipole array, Two-dimensional EM scattering, Three-dimensional EM scattering.
Chapter 12 Domain Decomposition Method (DDM)
Fundamental principle, DDM for Laplace’s equation, DDM for Helmholtz’s equation, DDM for Maxwell’s equation.
Chapter 13Vector Finite Elements
Description of Problems,Basis Functions for Triangle Finite Elements,Computation of Element Matrices,Continuity of Field with Matrix Coefficients
Chapter 14Boundary Element Method (BEM)
Fundamental principle, Static field problem, Waveguide discontinuity, Two-dimensional EM scattering, Three-dimensional EM scattering.
Chapter 15Spectral Domain Approach (SDA)
Fundamental principle, Static field problems, Full-wave analysis of integrated transmission lines, EM scattering by frequency selected surface, Microstrip antennas and array.
Chapter 16 Measured Equation of Invariance (MEI) Method
Concepts of MEI, Acceleration methods for MEI, MEI in time domain, Parameter extraction of VLSI interconnects, Two-dimensional EM scattering.
Chapter 17Field integral equations
Maxwell’s Equations in Integral Form,Boundary Conditions,Formulations of EFIE, MFIE and CFIE,Numerical Examples
Chapter 18Integral Equation-based Overlapped Domain Decomposition Method (IE-ODDM)
Introduction,IE-ODDM,Range of Buffer Region,Computational Complexity,IE-ODDM for Dielectric Objects,Numerical Examples
Chapter 19MLFMA-based Overlapped Domain Decomposition Method (IE-ODDM-MLFMA)
MLFMA and Preconditioner,IE-ODDM-MLFMA,Complexity and Characteristics of IE-ODDM-MLFMA,RWG-based and Cube-based Schemes of IE-ODDM-MLFMA,Numerical Examples
Chapter 20Impedance Matrix Interpolation Method
Matrix Element as Function of Frequency,Some Matrix Interpolation Methods,Optimization of Frequency Samples,Numerical Examples
Teaching Schedule:
Week | Course Content | Teaching Method |
1 | Fundamental Theory of Electromagnetic Field, Maxwell’s equations, Constitutive relations,Boundary conditions, Potential functions, Propagation characteristics, Scattering problems, Radiation problems., Method of Lines (MoL), Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method, Mode Matching Method (MMM) | Lecture |
2 | Finite Difference Method (FDM), Construction of difference equations, Static field problem, Eigen-value problem of Helmholtz equation, Two- dimensional EM scattering. | Lecture |
3 | Finite-Difference Method (FD) for wave equations, Finite-Difference Method (FD) for diffusion equations | Lecture |
4 | Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method (FDTD), Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) Method | Lecture |
5 | Finite Element Method (FEM), Fundamental principle, FEM for Laplace’s equation, FEM for Helmholtz’s equation, FEM for Maxwell’s equation. | Lecture |
6 | Solution of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices Conjugate Gradient Method-- Conjugate Gradient Method, Description of Problems,Conjugate Gradient Method(CG),Precondition Conjugate Gradients(PCG),Conjugate Gradients for Symmetric Complex or Indefinite Matrices | Lecture |
7 | Method of Moments (MoM) and Variational Principle, Description of Variational Problems, Variational Formulation of Electromagnetic Field Problems, Fundamental principle, Basis functions, Testing functions | Lecture |
8 | Domain Decomposition Method (DDM), Fundamental principle, DDM for Laplace’s equation, DDM for Helmholtz’s equation, DDM for Maxwell’s equation. | Lecture |
9 | Vector Finite Elements,Description of Problems,Basis Functions for Triangle Finite Elements,Computation of Element Matrices,Continuity of Field with Matrix Coefficients | Lecture |
10 | Maxwell equations in integral form, Boundary conditions, Vector and scalar potentials, EFIE, MFIE and CIFE, Calculation of matrix elements | Lecture |
11 | IE-ODDM, Range of buffer region, Complexity, IE-ODDM based on PMCHWT and modified N-Müller equation | Lecture |
12 | MLFMA, Preconditioner | Lecture |
13 | IE-ODDM-MLFMA, Characteristics, Complexity, RWG-based and cube-based schemes of IE-ODDM-MLFMA | Lecture |
14 | Matrix element as function of frequency, Polynomial interpolation, Optimization of frequency samples | Lecture |
15 | ||
16 | ||
17 | ||
18 |
Note: 1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in Graduate School.
2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term.
3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English.
4. Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline.
5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc.
6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc.
7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper.
8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced.
9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words)
Brief Introduction of Chief lecturer:
Hong Wei was born in Hebei Province, P.R. China, on October 24, 1962. He received the B.S. degree from the Zhenzhou Institute of Technology, Zhenzhou, China, in 1982, and the M.S. and Ph.D degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, all in radio engineering.
Since 1988, he has been with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University, and is currently a professor and the Associate Dean of the Department of Radio Engineering. In 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, he was a short-term Visiting Scholar with the University of California at Berkeley and at Santa Cruz, respectively. He has been engaged in numerical methods for electromagnetic problems, millimeter wave theory and technology, antennas, electromagnetic scattering, inverse scattering and propagation, RF front-end for mobile communications and the parameters extraction of interconnects in VLSI circuits etc. He has authored and co-authored over 200 technical publications, and authored a book of Principle and Application of the Method of Lines. He was awarded twice the first-class Science and Technology Progress Prizes issued by the State Education Commission in 1992 and 1994 respectively, awarded the fourth-class National Natural Science Prize in 1991, and the third-class Science and Technology Progress Prize of Jiangsu Province. Besides, he is the recipient of the Trans-Century Training Programme Foundation for the Talents issued by the State Education Commission, the Foundation for China Distinguished Young Investigators issued by NSFC, the award of Distinguished China Doctorate Receiptients issued by the State Education Commission, and the JiangSu Young Scientist Award issued by JiangSu Province Government.
Professor Hong is a member of IEEE, Senior member of CIE, and served as the reviewer for many technique journals, such as IEEE Trans. on MTT, IEEE Trans. on AP, IEE Proc.-H, Electron. Lett. etc.
Sun Lianyou received M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1990. PhD degree in electromagnetic field and microwave technology from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2003.
He worked at Southeast University, Nanjing, China, firstly in Department of Applied Mathematics as a lecturer from 1990 to 1997, and then in Department of Radio Engineering as a associate professor from 1998 to 2005. With Financial support of China Scholarship Council, he pursued his postdoctoral studies in computational electromagnetics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada from Aug. 2005 to Aug. 2006. His current interests are in numerical methods for electromagnetic problems, especially for large scale problems. He also is a co-authorof a book:Domain Decomposition Methods for Solving the Electromagnetic field Boundary Value Problems,Beijing, China: Science Press, 2005. He has published more than ten papers on computational electromagnetics.
Li Wei-Dong was born in Henan Province, China, in March 1975. He received the M.S. degree in computational mathematics and the Ph.D degree in electromagnetic fields and microwave technology from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. In April 2007, he joined the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University. From January 2008 to January 2009, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. His current research interests include accurate numerical modeling, fast algorithm, parallel computing in computational EM, and frequency selective surfaces. He is also interested in numerical analysis and numerical methods for partial differential equations.
Lecturer Information (include chief lecturer)
Lecturer | Discipline (major) | Office Phone Number | Home Phone Number | Mobile Phone Number | Address | Postcode | |
Hong Wei | Electromagnetical field & Microwave Technology | weihong@ seu.edu.cn | 2 Si Pai Lou, School of Information Science and Engineering | 210096 | |||
Sun Lianyou | Same above | lysun@emfield.org | Same above | 210096 | |||
Li Weidong | Same above | wdli@emfield.org | Same above | 210096 |