课程申请开设类型: 新开□ 重开√ 更名□(请在□内打勾,下同)
课程 名称 | 中文 | 微波毫米波电路与网络 | ||||||||||
英文 | Circuits and networks of microwaves and millimeter-waves | |||||||||||
待分配课程编号 | DB004302 | 课程适用学位级别 | 博士 | √ | 硕士 | |||||||
总学时 | 32 | 课内学时 | 32 | 学分 | 2 | 实践环节 | 用机小时 | |||||
课程类别 | □公共基础 □ 专业基础 □ 专业必修 √□ 专业选修 | |||||||||||
开课院(系) | yl23455永利官网 | 开课学期 | 秋季 | |||||||||
考核方式 | A.□笔试(□开卷 □闭卷) B. □口试 C.□笔试与口试结合 D. □其他 专题研究报告 | |||||||||||
课程负责人 | 教师 姓名 | 窦文斌 徐金平 朱晓维 | 职称 | 教授 | ||||||||
网页地址 | ||||||||||||
授课语言 | 汉语 | 课件地址 | ||||||||||
适用学科范围 | 电磁场与微波技术 | 所属一级学科名称 | 电子科学与技术 | |||||||||
实验(案例)个数 | 先修课程 | 微波工程,微波非线性网络 | ||||||||||
教学用书 | 教材名称 | 教材编者 | 出版社 | 出版年月 | 版次 | |||||||
主要教材 | 毫米波工程 | 甘体国 | 2006.8 | 1 | ||||||||
主要参考书 | Mordern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems,Circuits and Integration | Dan Masse | John Wiley & Sons | 2004 | 第一版 | |||||||
Nan-linear Microwave Circuit Design | Franco Giannini, Giogio Leuzzi | John Wiley & Sons | 2004 | 第一版 | ||||||||
Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering | David B. Davidson | Wiley-IEEE Press | 2005 | 第一版 |
第一部分 微波毫米波半导体器件(朱晓维)
第二部分 微波毫米波有源电路 (徐金平)
2.1 毫米波混频器与检波器
2.2 半导体二极管振荡器和放大器
2.4 半导体二极管倍频器
2.5 频率综合器
第三部分 微波毫米波应用系统(窦文斌)
3.1 跟踪雷达原理
3.2 圆锥扫描跟踪技术
3.3 单脉冲跟踪技术
3.4 毫米波成像
周次 | 教学内容 | 教学方式 |
1 | 混频二极管,变容二极管 | 讲课 |
2 | PIN二极管,耿氏管 | 讲课 |
3 | 场效应晶体管, IMPATT管 | 讲课 |
4 | 高电子迁移率(HEMT)晶体管和异质结双极晶体管 | 讲课 |
5 | 单片微波集成电路 | 讲课 |
6 | 锁相原理,模拟锁相环,数字锁相环 | 讲课 |
7 | 新型材料的应用与微波毫米波器件发展趋势 | 自修研讨 |
8 | 毫米波混频器与检波器 | 讲课与报告 |
9 | 二极管振荡器和放大器 | 讲课与报告 |
10 | 毫米波三极管放大器和振荡器 | 讲课与报告 |
11 | 毫米波二极管倍频器 | 讲课与报告 |
12 | DDS原理,锁相频率综合器 | 讲课与报告 |
13 | 微波毫米波电路发展趋势 | 自修研讨 |
14 | 跟踪雷达原理,圆锥扫描跟踪技术 | 讲课 |
15 | 单脉冲跟踪技术 | 讲课 |
16 | 毫米波成像 | 讲课 |
17 | 毫米波跟踪雷达特性分析 | 自修研讨 |
18 | 复习 |
窦文斌:男,汉族,教授。1978年毕业于中国科学技术大学。1987年于电子科技大学获工学博士学位。1987-1989年在yl23455永利官网做博士后。现为yl23455永利官网无线电系教授,博士生导师, 毫米波国家重点实验室副主任。从事微波毫米波理论与技术的研究、教学和培养研究生的工作。研究领域包括毫米波铁氧体器件、毫米波准光技术、毫米波焦面阵成像、毫米波集成电路、天线与散射、毫米波二元光学技术等。作为项目负责人或主要参加者承担或完成了多项毫米波技术攻关项目、基金项目和部委重点项目的研究工作。 在国内外核心学术刊物发表研究论文100多篇, 其中国际著名检索系统SCI收录60多篇,EI收录70多篇。10多篇论文被国内外知名学者的专著、微波工程手册和论文引用。出版专著两部,其中“毫米波准光理论与技术”,被教育部遴选为全国研究生教材,由高等教育出版社于2006年8月再版发行。获机电部科技进步二等奖两项, 国家教委科技进步二等奖一项, 光华科技基金三等奖一项, 教育部科技进步三等奖一项。获政府特殊津贴。国家部委专家组专家。核心期刊Progress in Electromagnetic Research PIER (美)编委。美国光学学会会刊(“应用光学”,“美国光学学会杂志A卷”,“光学快报”等)、IEEE MTT和“中国科学”、“中国物理”、“红外与毫米波技术”、“电波科学学刊”等核心期刊特邀审稿人。中国电子学会高级会员, 微波分会委员, 微波学会毫米波亚毫米波专业委员会副主任,IEEE会员,美国光学学会(OSA)会员。2006年国际红外毫米波与太赫兹学术会议程序委员会共主席。2009年国际红外毫米波与太赫兹学术会议国际顾问委员会委员。
朱晓维 男,生于1963年6月22日。yl23455永利官网毫米波国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师,获yl23455永利官网无线电工程系《电磁场与微波技术专业》硕士和博士学位。
主要研究方向,无线通信系统的射频技术,微波/毫米波系统与电路。近年来负责承担了多项国家863计划的课题研究,其中主要的科研工作有:主持并完成了国家“863”计划中国第三代移动通信系统研究(C3G)子课题“WCDMA MT模拟前端研制开发”、 “宽带多频多模射频技术”等,均通过国家科技部主持的验收,获得了Ab的成绩;还参加其他“863”课题的研究工作,如“新型天线分集技术研究”、 “射频前端技术研究”等项目,及国家自然科学基金委创新团体项目。当前科研工作的重点在无线通信系统射频技术和微波毫米波电路与网络方面,包括射频子系统、微波电路、功率放大器线性化技术等研究内容。
主撰和合撰学术论文50多篇,发表在国内外核心学术刊物《电子学报》、《通信学报》、《微波学报》、《Microwave Journal》和会议上,其中大部分被SCI,EI和ISTP收录;获国家教委科技进步一等奖一项、江苏省科技进步二等奖一项;发明专利五项。
任课 教师 | 学科 (专业) | 办公 电话 | 住宅 电话 | 手机 | 电子邮件 | 通讯地址 | 邮政 编码 |
窦文斌 | 电磁场与微波技术 | wbdou@seu.edu.cn | 毫米波国家重点实验室 | 210096 | |||
徐金平 | 电磁场与微波技术 | jpxu@seu.edu.cn | 毫米波国家重点实验室 | 210096 | |||
朱晓维 | 电磁场与微波技术 | xwzhu@seu.edu.cn | 毫米波国家重点实验室 | 210096 |
Application Form For Opening Graduate Courses
School (Department/Institute):School of Information Science and Engineering
Course Type: New Open □ Reopen □ √ Rename □(Please tick in □, the same below)
Course Name | Chinese | 微波毫米波电路与网络 | |||||||||||
English | Circuits and networks of microwaves and millimeter-waves | ||||||||||||
Course Number | DB004302 | Type of Degree | Ph. D | √ | Master | ||||||||
Total Credit Hours | 32 | In Class Credit Hours | 32 | Credit | 2 | Practice | Computer-using Hours | ||||||
Course Type | □Public Fundamental □Major Fundamental □Major Compulsory √ □Major Elective | ||||||||||||
School (Department) | School of Information Science and Engineering | Term | autumn | ||||||||||
Examination | A. □Paper(□Open-book □ Closed-book)B. □Oral C. □Paper-oral Combination D. □ OthersReport on selected topic | ||||||||||||
Chief Lecturer | Name | Dou Wenbin Xu Jinping Zhu Xiaowei | Professional Title | Prof. | |||||||||
Website | |||||||||||||
Teaching Language used in Course | Chinese | Teaching Material Website | |||||||||||
Applicable Range of Discipline | EMF and Microwave Techniques | Name of First-Class Discipline | Electronics Science and Technology | ||||||||||
Number of Experiment | Preliminary Courses | Microwave Engineering , Nonlinear Microwave Network | |||||||||||
Teaching Books | Textbook Title | Author | Publisher | Year of Publication | Edition Number | ||||||||
Main Textbook | Millimeter Wave Engineering | Gan Tiguo | UEST Publishing House | 2006.8 | 1 | ||||||||
Main Reference Books | Mordern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems,Circuits and Integration | Dan Masse | John Wiley & Sons | 2004 | 1 | ||||||||
Nan-linear Microwave Circuit Design | Franco Giannini, Giogio Leuzzi | John Wiley & Sons | 2004 | 1 | |||||||||
Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering | David B. Davidson | Wiley-IEEE Press | 2005 | 1 |
Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements) within 300 words:
The contents of this course are mainly selected from the fundamental theory and advanced technology of microwave and millimeter wave circuits and networks. The objective of this course is to help students to have a systematic mastery of basic theory, advanced analysis method and design techniques of microwave and millimeter wave circuits and networks. Meanwhile, it is required that the students could solve practical engineering problems by applying the related knowledge after completing this course. Students are expected to gain certain ability of undertaking research work independently and the ability of innovating in the field of microwave and millimeter wave techniques.
The teaching way of this course will be lecturing by professors combined with practicing and reporting on selected topics by students.
Teaching Syllabus (including the content of chapters and sections. A sheet can be attached):
Part 1 Semiconductor devices in microwave and millimeter waves (Zhu Xiaowei)
1.1 Schottky-Barrier diode
1.2 IMPATT diode
1.3 PIN diode
1.4 Varactor diode
1.5 Gunn diode
1.6 FET (Field effect transistor)
1.8 MMIC(Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit)
Part 2 Active circuits of Microwave and Millimeter Wave(Xu Jinping)
2.1 Millimeter wave Mixers and Detectors
2.2 Oscillators and Amplifiers of Semiconductor Diodes
2.3 Millimeter Wave Amplifiers and Oscillators of Triodes
2.4 Millimeter Wave Frequency Multipliers of Semiconductor Diodes
2.5 Frequency Synthesizers
Part 3 Application system of microwave and millimeter waves (Dou Wenbin)
4.1 Tracking Radar principle
4.2 Conical Scan Tracking
4.3 Monopulse Tracking
4.4 Millimeter Wave Imaging
Teaching Schedule:
Week | Course Content | Teaching Method |
1 | Schottky-Barrier diode and PIN diode | Lecture |
2 | Guann diode and IMPATT diode | Lecture |
3 | FET( Field effect transistor) and Varactor diode | Lecture |
4 | pHEMTs, HBTs and MMIC | Lecture |
5 | Mixer circuit and Oscillator circuit | Lecture |
6 | Amplifier circuit and Doubler circuit | Lecture |
7 | PLL and MMIC | Lecture |
8 | Millimeter wave Mixers and Detectors | Lecture & Report |
9 | Oscillators and Amplifiers of Semiconductor Diodes | Lecture & Report |
10 | MMW Amplifiers and Oscillators of Triodes | Lecture & Report |
11 | MMW Frequency Multipliers of Semiconductor Diodes | Lecture & Report |
12 | Principle of DDS, Phase locked Frequency Synthesizers | Lecture & Report |
13 | ||
14 | Tracking Radar principle | Lecture |
15 | Conical Scan Tracking | Lecture |
16 | Monopulse Tracking | Lecture |
17 | Millimeter Wave Imaging | Lecture |
18 |
Note: 1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in Graduate School.
2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term.
3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English.
4. Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline.
5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc.
6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc.
7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper.
8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced.
9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words)
Brief Introduction of Chief lecturer:
Dou Wenbin was graduated from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, in 1978. He received Master and Ph.D degree from University of Electronic Science and technology of China, Chengdu, in 1983 and 1987, both in Electronics and Communications. From 1987 to 1989, he worked in Southeast University as postdoctoral fellow. Since 1989, he is with the Department of Radio Engineering, Southeast University. In 1994, he was promoted to professor. He is vice director of State Key Laboratory of Millimeter waves. His research interesting include ferrite devices, millimeter wave quasi-optics, millimeter wave focal imaging, antennas and scattering, millimeter wave binary optics and so on. He had completed many projects on millimeter waves from State Ministries and Foundation and now is in charge of some key projects. He has published over 100 technique papers in Journals, in which over 60 papers have been embodied in SCI and over 70 in EI systems. Two books on ferrite devices and quasi-optical techniques have been published in 1996 and 2000, respectively. He received many awards from State ministry, Foundation and Southeast University. He is member of State Ministry Expert Committee. He is one of editors of PIER (USA) and is invited reviewer for the magazines such as “Applied Optics”, “Journal of Optical Society of America (A)”, “Optical Express” et al, by Optical Society of America and other magazines. He is senior member of CIE, member of Microwave Institute of CIE and member of IEEE. He also is honoured as one of academic guider in Universities in Jiangsu province, and “qinglan Engineering”. He is Co-Chairman of Program Committee of IRMMW-THz 2006 and member of International Advisory Committee of IRMMW-THz 2009.
Xu Jinping, Male, born in June 1962. He graduated from Southeast University in 1990 and got his Ph.D degree in EE. Then he worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in Xidian University, Xi’an. Dr.Xu joined the faculty in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1993 and was appointed as a full professor in 1995. Currently, he is with State Key Laboratory in Southeast University. His research area includes: Millimeter wave theory and techniques, Computational electromagnetics, Electromagnetic radiation and scattering, Electromagnetic compatability. Dr.Xu has published more than 100 journal and conference papers and a monograph cooperatively. He has charged more than 20 science research foundation projects at national and provincial level. He has won the first prize and the second prize of science and technology progress for 4 times from the Ministry of Education of China, Ministry of Aeronautics of China, Committee of National Defence Science and Technology and Chinese Universities. Prof.Xu was conferred a number of honorable titles such as “Chinese Ph.D. Degree Holder Who Made Prominent Achievements”. He was appointed as a visiting professor in McMaster University, Canada in 1999. Dr.Xu was a member of steering committee of higher education of the Ministry of China, a member of Information Sub-committee of Jiangsu National Science Foundation. He is now a member of the academic committee of National Key Laboratory of Antenna and Microwave Techniques, a member of specialists committee of THz of CIE. Prof. Xu is appointed as the director of special committee of EM simulation in Antenna Institution of CIE, the director of special committee of EMC in Jiangsu Academy of Electronics. He is in the editorial committee of Chinese Journal of Microwaves and Journal of Southeast University.
Xiao Wei Zhuwas born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China, in 1963. He received the M.S. and Ph.D degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, all in radio engineering.From 1984 to 1991, he is currently a professor of the School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University.
His research interests include RF subsystem and module for wireless communication systems, such as B3G, WiMAX, UWB and so on. He is also interested in linear power amplifier, novel components development. He had accomplished many projects on RF subsystem as well as key techniques for mobile communication systems from 863 National High Technology Program, which including “RF front-end research and development for W-CDMA MT”, “Wide band RF module for multi-band and multi-mode”, “Power amplifier linearization technique for base station” and so on.
He has published over 50 technique papers in Journal and international conference, in which some papers have been embodied in SCI and EI systems. He is owner of several patents. He was the recipient of the National Education Committee First Awards on S&T Advance and Jiangsu Province Second Awards on S&T Achievement. He was also invited to visit The Chinese University of Hong Kong and University College Dublin, Ireland. He is member of IEEE and member National microwave integrated circuit and mobile communication committee
Lecturer Information (include chief lecturer)
Lecturer | Discipline (major) | Office Phone Number | Home Phone Number | Mobile Phone Number | Address | Postcode | |
Dou Wenbin | EMF and Microwave Techniques | wbdou@seu.edu.cn | State Key Lab of MMW | 210096 | |||
Xu Jinping | EMF and Microwave Techniques | jpxu@seu.edu.cn | State Key Lab of MMWs, SEU,No2,Sipailou Rd, Nanjing,China | 210096 | |||
Zhu xiaowei | EMF and Microwave Techniques | xwzhu@seu.edu.cn | State Key Lab of MMW | 210096 |