课程申请开设类型: 新开□ 重开√ 更名□(请在□内打勾,下同)
课程 名称 | 中文 | 机器学习与进化计算 | ||||||||||
英文 | Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computing | |||||||||||
待分配课程编号 | MS004111 | 课程适用学位级别 | 博士 | 硕士 | √ | |||||||
总学时 | 32 | 课内学时 | 32 | 学分 | 2 | 实践环节 | 用机小时 | |||||
课程类别 | □公共基础 √专业基础 □ 专业必修 □专业选修 | |||||||||||
开课院(系) | yl23455永利官网 | 开课学期 | 秋季 | |||||||||
考核方式 | A.√笔试(√开卷 □闭卷) B. □口试 C.□笔试与口试结合 D. □其他 | |||||||||||
课程负责人 | 教师 姓名 | 徐琴珍 | 职称 | 讲师 | ||||||||
lxyang@seu.edu.cn | 网页地址 | |||||||||||
授课语言 | 中文 | 课件地址 | ||||||||||
适用学科范围 | 公共 | 所属一级学科名称 | 信息与通信工程 | |||||||||
实验(案例)个数 | 先修课程 | |||||||||||
教学用书 | 教材名称 | 教材编者 | 出版社 | 出版年月 | 版次 | |||||||
主要教材 | 机器学习 | Tom M. Mitchell | 机械工业出版社 | 2003年1月 | 1 | |||||||
主要参考书 | 贝叶斯方法 | Thomas Leonard | 机械工业出版社 | 2005年1月 | 1 | |||||||
进化计算 | 王正志 薄涛 | 国防科技大学出版社 | 2000年11月 | 1 |
本课程教学的目标是使学生掌握多种机器学习范型、算法及进化计算在机器学习领域的研究和应用,吸取包括概念学习、决策树学习、人工神经网络知识、统计和估计理论、贝叶斯观点、计算学习理论、基于实例的学习方法、进化计算理论、学习规则集合的算法、分析学习、归纳与分析学习相结合以及增强学习方面的研究成果。要求通过本课程的教学,明确机器学习系统的几个重要环节:选择训练经验、目标函数、目标函数的表示、函数逼近算法,从而提高学生设计学习系统的能力, 增强学生对于机器学习这个多学科领域分析问题和解决问题的能力。
周次 | 教学内容 | 教学方式 |
1 | 机器学习概念、概念学习 | 讲课 |
2 | 决策树学习 | 讲课 |
3 | 人工神经网络、感知器、反向传播算法 | 讲课 |
4 | 评估假设 | 讲课 |
5 | 贝叶斯法则、极大似然假设、最小长度描述准则、EM算法 | 讲课 |
6 | 计算学习理论 | 讲课 |
7 | 基于实例的学习 | 讲课 |
8 | 进化计算 | 讲课 |
9 | 学习规则集合 | 讲课 |
10 | 分析学习 | 讲课 |
11 | 归纳和分析学习的结合 | 讲课 |
12 | 增强学习 | 讲课 |
13 | 总结 | 讲课 |
14 | 考试 |
徐琴珍,女,1977 年生,讲师,博士,研究方向包括智能信息处理,超声图像处理,混合学习方法研究。主持一项国家自然科学基金项目,研究成果以论文形式发表于国际期刊、国内核心期刊以及国际会议上。
任课 教师 | 学科 (专业) | 办公 电话 | 住宅 电话 | 手机 | 电子邮件 | 通讯地址 | 邮政 编码 |
徐琴珍 | 信号与信息处理 |
| summer@seu.edu.cn | yl23455永利官网 | 210096 |
Application Form For Opening Graduate Courses
School (Department/Institute):School of Information Science and Engineering
Course Type: New Open □ Reopen√ Rename □(Please tick in □, the same below)
Course Name | Chinese | 机器学习与进化计算 | |||||||||||
English | Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computing | ||||||||||||
Course Number | MS004111 | Type of Degree | Ph. D | Master | √ | ||||||||
Total Credit Hours | 32 | In Class Credit Hours | 32 | Credit | 2 | Practice | Computer-using Hours | ||||||
Course Type | □Public Fundamental√ Major Fundamental □Major Compulsory □Major Elective | ||||||||||||
School (Department) | School of Information Science and Engineering | Term | Autumn | ||||||||||
Examination | A.√Paper(√Open-book □ Closed-book)B. □Oral C. □Paper-oral Combination D. □ Others | ||||||||||||
Chief Lecturer | Name | Qinzhen Xu, | Professional Title | Instructor, Professor | |||||||||
Website | |||||||||||||
Teaching Language used in Course | Chinese | Teaching Material Website | |||||||||||
Applicable Range of Discipline | Public | Name of First-Class Discipline | Information and communication Engineering | ||||||||||
Number of Experiment | Preliminary Courses | ||||||||||||
Teaching Books | Textbook Title | Author | Publisher | Year of Publication | Edition Number | ||||||||
Main Textbook | Machine Learning | Tom M. Mitchell | China Machine Press | 2003. 1 | 1 | ||||||||
Main Reference Books | Bayesian Methods | Thomas Leonard | China Machine Press | 2005. 1 | 1 | ||||||||
Evolutionary Computation | Zhengzhi Wang, Tao Bo | National University of Defense Technology publishing Company | 2000. 11 | 1 |
Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements) within 300 words:
This course enables the students to comprehend a variety of learning paradigms, algorithms and the research and applications of evolutionary computing in the field of machine learning, and draw on the research results covering concept learning, decision tree learning, artificial neural network knowledge, statistics and estimation theory, Bayesian perspective, computational learning theory, instance-based learning methods, evolutionary computation theory, algorithms for learning sets of rules, analytical learning, combining inductive and analytical learning, and reinforcement learning. The course takes up with clarifying the important links of machine learning involving choosing the training experiences, choosing the target function, choosing a representation for the target function, and choosing a function approximation algorithm. Students who complete this course will have demonstrated the enhanced ability to design a learning system, analyzing problems, and solve problems in the multidisciplinary machine learning field.
Teaching Syllabus (including the content of chapters and sections. A sheet can be attached):
(1) The Concept of Machine Learning (Chapter 1)
Including well-posed learning problems, the main links of designing a learning system, and some classic problems and viewpoints in machine learning.
(2)Concept Learning (Chapter 2)
Covering concept learning based on symbolic and logic representation, the general-to-specific ordering over hypotheses, and the need for inductive bias in learning.
(3)Decision Tree and Artificial Neural Network(Chapter 3, 4)
Presenting decision tree learning, the problems of overfitting the training data, the backpropagation algorithm and the general approach of gradient decent for neural network training.
(4)Evaluation Hypotheses(Chapter 5)
Including basic concepts from statistics and estimation theory, evaluating the accuracy of hypotheses using limited samples of data.
(5)Bayesian Learning (Chapter 6)
Including the use of Bayesian analysis to characterize non-Bayesian learning algorithms and specific Bayesian algorithms that explicitly manipulate probabilities.
(6)Computational Learning Theory (Chapter 7)
Covering the Probably Approximately correct learning model, the Mistake-Bound learning model and a discussion of the weighted majority algorithm for combining multiple learning methods.
(7)Instance-based Learning (Chapter 8)
Including k-nearest neighbor learning, locally weighted regression, radial basis function, and case-based reasoning.
(8)Evolutionary Computing (Chapter 9)
Covering the searching strategies of evolutionary computing and implementation methods.
(9)Learning Set of Rules(Chapter 10)
Presenting the theory of sequential covering algorithm and approaches to learning sets of first-order rules.
(10)Analytical Learning, and Combing of Inductive and Analytical Learning
Including purely analytical learning (explanation-based learning), andcombining inductive and analytical learning to improve the accuracy of learned hypotheses.
(11)Reinforcement Learning
Addressing the problems of learning control strategies for autonomous agents, Markov decision process, and Q learning.
Teaching Schedule:
Week | Course Content | Teaching Method |
1 | Concepts of machine learning, and Concept learning | Prelection |
2 | Decision tree learning | Prelection |
3 | The representation of neural network, perceptron, and backpropagation algorithm | Prelection |
4 | Evaluation hypotheses | Prelection |
5 | Bayes theorem, Maximum likelihood hypotheses, Minimum description length principle , and EM algorithm | Prelection |
6 | Computational learning theory | Prelection |
7 | Instance-based learning | Prelection |
8 | Evolutionary computing | Prelection |
9 | Learning set of rules | Prelection |
10 | Analytical learning | Prelection |
11 | Combing inductive and analytical learning | Prelection |
12 | Reinforcement learning | Prelection |
13 | Conclusion | Prelection |
14 | ||
15 | ||
16 | ||
17 | ||
18 |
Note: 1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in Graduate School.
2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term.
3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English.
4. Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline.
5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc.
6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc.
7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper.
8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced.
9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words)
Brief Introduction of Chief lecturer:
Qinzhen Xu was born in 1977. She received PhD degree from Signal and Information Processing Major of School of Information Science and Engineering of Southeast University in 2007. She is now an instructor of school of Information Science and Engineering of Southeast University. Her research interests include intelligent information processing, ultrasonic image processing, hybrid learning model. Her research results have been published in international journals, inland journals, and international proceedings.
Luxi Yang was born in 1964. He is now a professor and the director of Digital Signal Processing Division in School of Information Science and Engineering of Southeast University. His major research interests include communication signal processing, MIMO communication system designing, blind signal processing, and space-time signal processing for mobile communications. He has published over 100 journal papers, applied 8 patents for invention and received the first- and second-class prizes of Science and Technology Progress Awards of the State Education Ministry of China for 3 times, and the first-class prizes of Science and Technology Progress Awards of Jiang-su Province of China for 2 times.
Lecturer Information (include chief lecturer)
Lecturer | Discipline (major) | Office Phone Number | Home Phone Number | Mobile Phone Number | Address | Postcode | |
Qinzhen Xu | Instructor | summer@seu.edu.cn | School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China | 210096 |