






20165– 20205加拿大滑铁卢大学,BBCR实验室,电子与计算机工程,博士

20139– 20163北京邮电大学,信息与通信工程,硕士

20099– 20137天津大学,电子信息工程,学士


20205– 20228深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院、滑铁卢大学、香港中文大学(深圳):国际联合博士后(合作导师:沈学民教授,黄建伟教授)





l     AI使能的6G无线信道测量与建模,空天地一体化网络

l    多智能体强化学习

l     数字孪生,博弈论,软件定义网络(SDN, 网络功能虚拟化(NFV


·             现任通信领域国际期刊Wireless   Networks编委,IEEE 会员。

·             /曾担任IEEE ICC'23, ICC'22, IPCCC'22,   IPCCC'21, ICC'21, ICNC'20, INFOCOM WKSHPS'22, ITC'34, ITC'33, VTC-Fall'20,   VTC-Spring'20 等多个国际会议程序委员会成员

·             IEEE   JSACIEEE TWC, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TII, IEEE   TNSE在内的十多个国际权威SCI期刊审稿人。



[J1] J. Li, W. Shi, H. Wu, S.   Zhang, and X. Shen, “Cost-Aware Dynamic SFC Mapping and Scheduling in   SDN/NFV-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks for Internet of   Vehicles, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), vol. 9, no. 8,   pp. 5824-5838, Apr. 2022 [高被引论文,中科院分区1Top,影响因子:9.936]

[J2] J. Li, W. Shi, Q. Ye, N.   Zhang, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, Multi-SFC   Embedding with End-to-End Delay-Guarantee: A Game Theoretical Approach,   IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 11219-11232,   July 2021. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:9.936]

[J3] J. Li, W. Shi, P. Yang, Q.   Ye, X. Shen, X. Li, and J. Rao, A Hierarchical   Soft RAN Slicing Framework for Differentiated Service Provisioning, IEEE   Wireless Communications (WCM), vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 90-97, Dec. 2020. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:11.391]

[J4] J. Li, W. Shi, N. Zhang,   and X. Shen, Delay-Aware VNF Scheduling: A   Reinforcement Learning Approach with Variable Action Set, IEEE   Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN), vol. 7,   no. 1, pp. 304-318, Mar. 2021. [中科院分区2区,影响因子:4.574,入选TCCN Popular   Articles]

[J5] J. Li, W. Shi, Q. Ye, S.   Zhang, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, Joint Virtual   Network Topology Design and Embedding for Cybertwin-Enabled 6G Core   Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), vol. 8, no.   22, pp. 16313-16325, Nov. 2021 [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:9.936]

[J6] W. Shi, J. Li*, P. Yang,   Q. Ye, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, and X. Li, Two-level Soft RAN Slicing for   Customized Services in 5G-and-beyond Wireless Communications, IEEE   Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), vol. 18, no. 6,   pp.4169-4179, Jun. 2022 [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:9.112]

[J7] W. Shi, J. Li*, H. Wu, C.   Zhou, N. Cheng, and X. Shen, Drone-cell Trajectory Planning and   Resource Allocation for Highly Mobile Networks: A Hierarchical DRL   Approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), vol. 8, no.   12, pp. 9800-9813, Jun. 2021. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:9.936]

[J8]H. Wu, J. Chen, C. Zhou, J, Li*,   and X. Shen, Learning-Based Joint Resource Slicing and Scheduling in   Space-Terrestrial Integrated Vehicular Networks, Journal of   Communications and Information Networks (JCIN), vol. 6, no. 3, pp.   208-223, Sep. 2021.

[J9] S. Zhang, B. Luo, J. Li, W. Shi, and X. Shen, Hierarchical Soft   Slicing to Meet Multi-Dimensional QoS Demand in Cache-Enabled Vehicular   Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications   (TWC), vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 2150-2162, Jan. 2020. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:6.779]

[J10] O. Alhussein, P. T. Do, Q. Ye, J. Li, W. Shi, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, X. Li, and J. Rao,   A Virtual Network Customization Framework for Multicast Services in 5G   Core Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in   Communications (JSAC), vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1025-1039, April. 2020.   [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:11.42]

[J11] W. Shi, J. Li, N. Cheng, F. Lyu, S. Zhang, H. Zhou, and X.   Shen, Multi-Drone 3D Trajectory Planning and Scheduling in Drone   Assisted Radio Access Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular   Technology (TVT), vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 8145-8158, Aug. 2019. [中科院分区2Top,影响因子:5.379, 入选 IEEE Best Readings]

[J12] S. Zhang, W. Quan, J. Li, W. Shi, P. Yang, and X. Shen, Air-Ground   Integrated Vehicular Network Slicing with Content Pushing and Caching, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC),   vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 2114-2127, Oct. 2018. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:11.42]

[J13] W. Shi, J. Li, W. Xu, H. Zhou, N. Zhang, S. Zhang, and X.   Shen Multiple Drone-Cell Deployment Analyses and Optimization in Drone   Assisted Radio Access Networks, IEEE Access (invited paper),   vol. 6, pp. 12518-12529, 2018. [中科院分区2区,影响因子:3.745]

[J14] Q. Ye, J. Li, K. Qu, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, X. Li,   End-to-End Quality of Service in 5G Networks: Examining the   Effectiveness of a Network Slicing Framework, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (MVT), vol. 13,   no. 2, pp. 65-74, 2018. [中科院分区2区,影响因子:7.921]

[J15] W. Shi, H. Zhou, J. Li, W. Xu, N. Zhang, and X. Shen, Drone   Assisted Vehicular Networks: Architecture, Challenges, and   Opportunities, IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 3, pp.   130-137, 2018. [中科院分区1Top,影响因子:8.808, 入选IEEE Network   Popular Articles]

[J16] Z Hu, D Wang, Z Li, J Li, and Y Gao, Delta compression optimization   for UAV-enabled mobile edge caching, IET Communications,   vol. 14, no. 15, pp. 2500-2508, 2020.[中科院分区4区,影响因子:1.664]

[J17] M Chen, W Liu, N Zhang, J Li,   Y Ren, M Yi, and A Liu, “GPDS: A multi-agent deep reinforcement learning game for anti-jamming   secure computing in MEC network”, Expert Systems with Applications , vol.210,   pp.118394.2022



[C1] J. Li, W. Shi, N.   Zhang, and X. Shen, Reinforcement Learning Based VNF Scheduling with   End-to-End Delay Guarantee, IEEE ICCC' 19 | IEEE/CIC   International Conference on Communications in China, Aug. 2019,   pp. 572-577. (最佳论文奖)

[C2] J. Li, W. Shi, P.   Yang, and X. Shen, On Dynamic Mapping and Scheduling of Service   Function Chains in SDN/NFV-Enabled Networks, IEEE   GLOBECOM' 19 | IEEE Global Communications Conference, Dec. 2019. (CCF C类会议)

[C3] J. Li, W. Shi, Q.   Ye, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, and X. Li, Online Joint VNF Chain Composition   and Embedding for 5G networks, IEEE GLOBECOM' 18 | IEEE   Global Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018.   (CCF C类会议)

[C4] J. Li, N. Zhang,   Q. Ye, W. Shi, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, Joint Resource Allocation and   Online Virtual Network Embedding for 5G Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM' 17 | IEEE Global Communications Conference,   Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017. (CCF C类会议)

[C5] J. Li and D. Liu,   An Energy-Aware Distributed Clustering Routing Protocol for Energy   Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE ICCC'16, Jul.   2016, pp. 1-6.

[C6] J. Li and D. Liu,   DPSO-based Clustering Routing Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Wireless   Sensor Networks, IEEE WCSP'15, Oct.   2015, pp. 1-5.

[C7] W. Shi, J. Li, N. Cheng, F. Lyu, Y. Dai, H. Zhou, and X.   Shen, 3D Multi-Drone-Cell Trajectory Design for Efficient IoT Data   Collection, IEEE ICC' 19 | IEEE International Conference   on Communications, May 2019, pp. 1-6. (CCF C类会议)

[C8] O. Alhussein, T.P. Do, J. Li, Q. Ye, W. Shi, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, X. Li, and   J. Rao, Joint VNF Placement and Multicast Traffic Routing in 5G Core   Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM' 18| IEEE Global   Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018. (CCF C类会议)

[C9] W. Shi, J. Li, W. Xu, H. Zhou, N. Zhang, and X. Shen,   3D Drone-cell Deployment Optimization for Drone Assisted Radio Access   Networks, IEEE ICCC'17, Oct. 2017, pp. 1-6.

[C10] N. Chen, M. Li, M. Wang, Z. Su, J. Li, and X. Shen, A Dynamic Pricing Based   Scheduling Scheme for Electric Vehicles as Mobile Energy Storages, IEEE ICC'21, Jun. 2021. (CCF C类会议)

[C11] Q Huang, Y Liu, P Sun, J Li,   and J Xu, “Cooperative Carbon Emission Trading: A Coalitional Game ApproachIEEE   SmartGridComm’22. 2022. (CCF C类会议)



[U1] J. Li, W. Shi, and   N. Zhang, Resource Allocation in SDN/NFV-Enabled 5G Networks, Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer, published, 2019.

[U2] J. Li and W. Shi,   Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, Encyclopedia   of Wireless Networks, Springer,   published, 2019.

[U3] W. Shi, J. Li, and N. Zhang, Resource Allocation in   UAV-Aided Wireless Networks, Encyclopedia of Wireless   Networks, Springer, published, 2019.



[1]”一种能量感知型分布式分簇路由协议设计方法,李俊伶,刘丹谱,尹长川,罗涛,郝建军,郭一珺,授权号:No. CN105472690B

[2] “一种基于群体博弈的多智能体交互方法及系统”, 李俊伶; 柯舒麒; 黄建伟,   2022-2-25, CN202210181564.4.
