



IEEE Senior Member, 2002年yl23455永利官网电磁场与微波技术专业硕士毕业;2013年yl23455永利官网电磁场与微波技术专业博士毕业;2005.9-2006.10在意大利都灵理工(Politecnico de Torino) 获二级硕士学位;2008年赴瑞士洛桑联邦工学院(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL)进修;2011.11-2012.12 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore) 副研究员;2014.8-2015.8美国休斯顿大学(University of Houston) 博士后,师从国际著名电磁理论专家David. R. Jackson教授。在IEEE AP TransactionMTT等国际一流期刊及国际会议上发表论文八十余篇,获国家发明专利授权12项。入选斯坦福 “全球前2%顶尖科学家-终身影响力”和“全球前2%顶尖科学家-年度影响力” 榜单。

主要工作经历:2002-至今, yl23455永利官网、毫米波国家重点实验室


办公地点:无线谷,A4楼,4419;九龙湖电子信息大楼 12楼,1215


研究方向:05天线理论与技术;07电磁兼容;08无线通信中的射频技术;09 新型电磁材料研究




                 指导的研究生 获2023年江苏省优秀硕士论文奖

                 指导的研究生 获2021 IEEE MTT-S IWS 国际会议 学生论文竞赛奖

    指导的研究生 获2019 ACES 国际会议 学生论文竞赛奖

部分代表性期刊论文:(※通讯作者, #共同第一作者)

1.      X.Z. Bo, H. Chen, B.Y.Yu, M.Y. Geng, Z.G. Liu and et al, “A Flexible and Transparent Broadband Metasurface Polarization Converter”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, Early Access.

2.      Z.H. Kou, C. Zhang, B.Y. Yu, H. Chen, Z.G. Liu and et al, “Wearable All-Fabric Hybrid Energy Harvester to Simultaneously Harvest Radiofrequency and Triboelectric Energy”, Advanced Science, 2024, 2309050.

3.      X.L.Yang, Z.G. Liu, Z. Zhang, W. Xiang, and et al, “Ultrathin Optically Transparent and Flexible Wideband Absorber”, Elsevier, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126(2023), 107059.

4.      Z. P. Chen, Z. G. Liu, S. Zhang, M. Z. Li and W. B. Lu. “An Enhanced-Sensitivity Tangential Electric Field Probe with Tunable Resonant Frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, 2023. doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3276025.

5.      M.Y. Geng, X.L. Yang, H. Chen, X.Z. Bo, M.Z. Li, Z.G. Liu, and W.B. Lu“Optically transparent graphene-based cognitive metasurface for adaptive frequency manipulation”, Photonic Research, 2023, vol.11, no.1, pp.129-136.

6.      Z.G. Liu, R.J. Yin, W.B. Lu, A Novel Dual-Band Shared-Aperture Antenna Based on Folded Reflectarray and Fabry–Perot Cavity, IEEE Trans on Antenna and Propag. vol.70, no.11, 2022, pp.11177-11182.

7.      H. Chen, X. L. Peng, X. Z. Bo, M.Y. Geng, X.L. Yang, J.L. Zhan, Z.G. Liu, Y.Q. Dai, and W.B. Lu, “All-Fabric Flexible Frequency-Selective Rasorber Based on Cutting Transfer Patterning Method”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9, 2200651.

8.      Z.G. Liu, C. Zhang, R.J. Yin, W.B. Lu, Multifunctional Low-Profile Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna Integrated with Solar Cells, IEEE Trans on Antenna and Propag., vol.70, no.8, 2022, pp.7175-7180.

9.      M.Y. Geng, Z.G. Liu, H.Chen, X.Z. Bo, X.L. Yang, and W.B. Lu, “Flexible and Dual-Tunable Radar Absorber Enabled by Graphene”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, 7, 2200028.

10.   L. Ju, Z.G. Liu#, B.Y. Yu, H. Chen, Z.D. Xiao, W.B. Lu, Stretchable and Dynamically Tunable Attenuator Based on Graphene, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.70, no.6, 2022, pp.2999-3008.

11.   Z.P. Chen, Z.G. Liu#, L. Ju, W.B. Lu,  Beam scanning conformal antenna array with planar integrated phase shifter based on graphene, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2022) 33:14032–14042.

12.   B.Y. Yu, D.W. Yue, K.X. Hou, L. Ju, H. Chen, C. Ding, Z.G. Liu, Y.Q. Dai, H.K.Bisoyi, Y.S.Guan, W.B.Lu, C.H.Li, Q.Li, “Stretchable and self-healable spoof plasmonic meta-waveguide for wearable wireless communication system”, Light Science and Applications (2022)11:307

13.   B.Y. Yu, Z.H. Wang, L. Ju, C. Zhang, Z.G. Liu, L. Tao, W.B. Lu, “Flexible and Wearable Hybrid RF and Solar Energy Harvesting System”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.70, no.3, 2022, pp.2223-2233.

14.   Z.G. Liu, R.J. Yin, Z.N. Ying, W.B.Lu, K.C. Tseng, “Dual-Band and Shared-Aperture Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.20, no.9, 2021, pp.1686-1690.

15.   C. Zhang, Z.G. Liu, B.Y. Yu, W.B. Lu, K.C. Tseng, “Hybrid energy harvester based on dual band transparent dielectric resonator antenna”, Microwave and optical technology lett., 2021, 33145.

16.   A.Q. Zhang, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, Y. Li, “Deeper Confinement of Electromagnetic Waves Beyond Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.69, no.4, 2021, pp.2142-2150.

17.   C. SongX. MengH. ChenZ.G. LiuQ. ZhanY. SunW. LuY. DaiFlexible, graphene-based films with three-dimensional conductive network via simple drop-casting toward electromagnetic interference shielding , Composites Communications, 2021, 24, 100632.

18.   H. Chen, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, M.Y. Geng, Microwave Programmable Graphene Metasurface, ACS Photonics, 2020, 7, 1425-1435.

19.   M.Y. Geng, Z.G. Liu, W.J. Wu, H. Chen, B. Wu, W.B. Lu, A Dynamically Tunable Microwave Absorber Based on Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.68, no.6, 2020, pp.4706-4713.

20.   Z.P. Chen, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, A.Q. Zhang, B. Wu, and H. Chen, Dynamically Tunable Integrated Device for Attenuation, Amplification, and Transmission of SSPP Using Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.68, no.5, 2020, pp.3953-3962.

21.   H. Chen, Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, A.Q. Zhang, Z.H. Jiang, Full Polarization Transformation Using Graphene in Microwave Frequencies, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.68, no.5, 2020, pp.3760-3768.

22.   J. Wang, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, A.Q. Zhang, and H. Chen, Graphene-Based Microwave Antennas With Reconfigurable Pattern, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.68, no.4, 2020, pp.2504-2510.

23.   A.Q. Zhang, Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, H. Chen, A Tunable Attenuator Based on a Graphene-Loaded Coupled Microstrip Line, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.68, no.3, 2020, pp.939-950.

24.   H. Chen, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, Z.H. Jiang, Flexible Rasorber Based on Graphene with Energy Manipulation Function, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.68, no.1, 2020, pp.351-359.

25.   B.B. Xing, Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, H. Chen, Q.D. Zhang, Wideband Microwave Absorber with Dynamically Tunable Absorption Based on Graphene and Random Metasurface, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.18, 2019, pp.2602-2606.

26.   H. Chen, Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, A.Q. Zhang, H. Chen,  Flexible Attenuator with Dynamically Tunable Attenuation Incorporating Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Transition Based on Graphene, Applied Phy. Express, vol.12, 074005, 2019.

27.   J. Zhang, Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, H. Chen, B. Wu, Q.F. Liu, A low profile tunable microwave absorber based on graphene sandwich structure and high impedance surface , Intern. Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, 2019, e22022.

28.   A.Q. Zhang, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, B. Wu, H. Chen, Flexible and Dynamically Tunable Attenuator Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waveguide Loaded with Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.67, no.8, 2019, pp.5582-5589.

29.   W.B. Lu, J.W. Wang, J. Zhang, Z.G. Liu, H. Chen, W.J. Song, Z.H. Jiang, Flexible and Optically Transparent Microwave Absorber with Wide Bandwidth Based on Graphene, Carbon, 152, 2019, 70-76.

30.   W. Xiang, T. Xiong, W.B. Lu, W. Yang, Z.G. Liu, “New Accurate Sub-entire Domain Basis Functions Method for the Analysis of Large-Scale Finite Periodic Structures with Electrically Connected Cells”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.67, no.3, 2019, pp.2017-2021.

31.   C.L. Chen, Z.G. Liu, H. Wang, Y.X. Guo, Metamaterial-Inspired Self Polarizing Dual Band Dual-Orthogonal Circularly Polarized Fabry-Perot Resonator Antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.67, no.2, 2019, pp.1329-1334.

32.   A.Q. Zhang#, Z.G. Liu#, W.B. Lu, H. Chen,  Dynamically Tunable Attenuator on a Graphene-Based Microstrip Line, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.67, no.2, 2019, pp.746-753.

33.   A.Q. Zhang#, Z.G. Liu#, W.B. Lu, H. Chen, Graphene-Based Dynamically Tunable Attenuator on a Coplanar Waveguide or a Slotline, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.67, no.1, 2019, pp.70-77.

34.   H. Chen#, Z.G. Liu#, W.B. Lu, A.Q. Zhang, X.B. Li, J. Zhang,  Microwave Beam Reconfiguration Based on Graphene Ribbon, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.66, no.11, 2018, pp.6049-6056.

35.   H. Chen, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, J. Zhang, A.Q. Zhang, B. Wu,  Experimental Demonstration of Microwave Absorber Using Large-Area Multilayer Graphene-Based Frequency Selective Surface , IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.66, no.8, 2018, pp.3807-3816.

36.   A.Q. Zhang, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, H. Chen, B.H. Huang,  Dynamically Tunable Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Attenuator Using Graphene, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.66, no.6, 2018, pp.3081-3089.

37.   B.H. Huang, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, S.P. Gao,  Low-energy high-speed plasmonic enhanced modulator using graphene, Optics Express, vol.26, no.6, 7358, 2018.

38.   A.Q. Zhang#, Z.G. Liu#, W.B. Lu, H. Chen,  Graphene-based dynamically tunable attenuator on a half-mode substrate integrated waveguide , Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 161903 (2018).

39.   H. Chen, W.B. Lu, Z.G. Liu, J. Zhang, B.H. Huang,  Efficient Manipulation of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Based on Rotated Complementary H-Shaped Resonator Metasurface, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., vol.65, no.12, 2017, pp.7383-7388.

40.   Z.G. Liu, W.B. Lu, W. Yang, Enhanced bandwidth of high directive emission Fabry-Perot resonator antenna with tapered effective near-zero index using metasurface, Scientific Reports, vol.7 : 11455, 2017.

41.   Zhen-Guo Liu, Wei-Bing Lu, Broadband Design of Circularly Polarized High Gain Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna with Simple Array Thinning Technique, Microwave and optical technology lett., vol.59, 3171-3176, 2017.

42.   D. Wang#, Z.G. Liu#, J. Zhao, Q. Cheng, T. J. Cui,  Accurate Design of Low Backscattering Metasurface Using Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm , Scientific Reports, vol.7 : 11346, 2017.

43.   Z.G. Liu, Z.X. Cao, “Compact Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna Fed by Linearly Microstrip patch”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.15, 2016, pp.524-527.

44.   Z.G. Liu, Y.X. Guo, “Compact Low-Profile Dual Band Metamaterial Antenna for Body Centric Communications”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.14, 2015, pp.863-866.

45.   Y.J. Cheng, Y.X. Guo, Z.G. Liu, “W-Band Large-Scale High-Gain Planar Integrated Antenna Array”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, vol.62, no.6, 2014, pp.3370-3373.


1.    波束下倾的高增益扇区天线单元及其一体化天线

2.    高增益扇区天线单元及其一体化天线

3.    基于太阳能电池的低剖面高增益天线

4.    可实现极化变换的高增益谐振天线

5.    一种低副瓣高增益全封闭谐振天线

6.    圆极化高增益谐振腔天线作为馈源的多波束反射面天线

7.    缝隙加载的宽频带微带反射阵

8.    测量电磁吸波器件的反射和透射性能的装置和测量方法

9.    应用于人体通信系统的多功能双频双极化天线

10.  高增益垂直极化全金属扇区天线

11.  基于石墨烯的波束可扫描印刷偶极子柔性天线

12.  制作在玻璃表盘上的缝隙耦合平面四臂螺旋圆极化天线